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     Cassandra knew she was on the verge of death now and somehow; her other half blamed her for being stupid. She couldn't even raise a finger now and her eyelids felt so weak that they could barely stay open. Worms bit at her intestines and her stomach churned terribly. She was divided into two people one part of her reminded her of how foolish she was while the other dignity part of her egged her on to die with dignity.

The other part reminded her that it was only sex, and in this century, everyone was having sex. She could save herself from all this. Then what? the other part would ask. To become just another sex slave? That was not the life she wanted, that was not the life she had dreamt for herself. So how was she going to fulfill that life if she died here? But she hated Eros so much that she couldn't let him get what he wanted, it would be over her dead body, that he sleeps with her and leaves her to writhe in pain. It was over her dead body that she lets him win.

      Then die! her other part screamed.

She heard the iron door of the tomb open, and the door whined as it was pushed back. She heard footsteps, but she didn't care to open her eyes to find out whoever it was. Then she felt herself being lifted off of the ground. That was when she realized that she could feel everything that was happening in her surrounding, but she was not really present. She knew she was being lifted off the ground, but she couldn't see who it was.

    "She is still alive," she heard a man say, but she was too weak to recognize the voice.

The next time she came to, she was much better. She could open her eyes and although she felt hungry, she didn't feel as weak as she had been. She was lying on a bed in a strange room, an IV drip was injected into her vein, and her head was throbbing badly.

     "Feeling better now?"

     She was startled by the voice, and turned to see Grandma Adella standing beside her bed, smiling down at her, but her smile was sad as if she regretted letting them take her. Just as her face was about to widen into a smile, Eros emerged from behind and all her hope crashed down. He looked like himself in a vintage shirt, that the first few buttons were left open and jean pants, he wore them like a second skin and looked more handsome than ever in unruly dark hair, wicked grey eyes, and a stubborn jaw that housed his bristling stubble. His expression was totally unreadable as he walked up to her.

     The man that had come to her the other day, trailed behind him, while Bully and another hefty man stood by the door. He stood in front of her, his musky scent wafting into her nostrils. She hated herself for thinking him handsome at this point. She should be filled with hate for him, she should not see anything beautiful about him. She was filled with hate quite alright, but there was no denying his physical appearance was a killer. Silence fell over the room and hung there like ripe peaches as he folded his arms across his chest, his eyes running over her now skinny body, his smirk was wicked, as if mocking her.

    "Get her some food to eat," he said in a raspy voice, his eyes never leaving her. "Let her rest and get some strength, I am not done with her yet." He turned away from her and sauntered toward the door, but stopped abruptly. "Stay with her and make sure she doesn't try anything stupid; she has a knack for escaping here."

     "But Eros..." Grandma Adella started to say, but her words were cut short when Eros left the room like she wasn't saying anything.

The other man followed Eros out but the man that had visited her the other day stood there looking at her with pity in his eyes. Grandma Adella bent down and smiled at her, her sea blue eyes assuring her that everything will be fine. The old woman rubbed her cheek with her thumb.

     "You are special. We have never had your case before. Eros never lets anyone live twice, that gives me a feeling."

Cassandra smiled and nodded like she understood what the old woman was talking about. The old woman smiled a bittersweet smile and straightened up again.

    "You have to eat now. This is going to be your room for now." Grandma Adella went over to a table.

Cassandra's eyes met with the man that has visited her at the tomb the other day, he was staring at her, his eyes held pity in them, and it was printed all over his face. Their eyes locked for a while, then he looked away and moved out of the room.

    It was not much of a room for that kind of mansion, but it was better than that dark, dank place she was locked in. The room was bare, there was only a bed, which she was lying on, a plain wooden table and two chairs where Grandma Adella was setting the table for her at the moment, one window covered in flowery drapes, and a large single-sitter couch, that was the only thing that looked expensive in the room. She looked at Bully who was looking sternly at her.

     For some weird reason, she liked the man. He was huge and looked fierce and hardly spoke English, but he reminded her of a panda. Grandma Adella came over and helped her out of the bed. She was dressed in a long, shapeless gown that covered her from neck to toe. She helped her seat down and dished her the food. Then she leaned closer to her ears.

     "I am not allowed to be here with you, I would have really wanted to, but Eros won't spare me if I disobey him. Don't mess with Bully, he is always angry, that is why Eros left him with you. He would remove the drip when you are done. Here are your drugs." She pushed a plate of drugs toward her. I will make sure Lucia brings your food and everything you need so you can have someone to talk to."

Cassandra nodded as the woman patted her back and straightened up. She didn't know why the woman was treating her so specially and why she said she was special. When Grandma Adella left, Cassandra pounced on the food in front of her.


    Eros walked to his balcony and stood, looking out at the city stretched out before him. He was in turmoil. He was in a foul mood and couldn't tell why he kept giving that girl second chances. A part of him wanted to end her and forget everything about her, but the other part of him wanted to keep her and see how everything turns out. She interests him as much as she frustrates him. She was treading on his power and making him look powerless and feel less of himself. He has never tolerated such insolence from anyone before, especially not from a woman.

     No woman has ever disobeyed him before, talk much of hurting him. He rubbed his neck where she had stabbed him. It had healed over the weeks, but the scar was there, and it was always going to be a reminder of how a feeble woman defected him in bed, a woman he could break in two. All the women he had come across had always held him in highest regard and terror. No one had stood up to him like that, no woman had looked at him with so much hate instead of fear and respect, much still, no one had challenged him like that.

     Not even a man. No man had even dared him like that. The men that did always met their death. He put bullets through their heads without much thought. He had never had a reason to think twice before getting rid of deserving men or women. He had never had a reason to prove that he was still the boss around here. She was a new case to him, and he was going to make sure she would be well dealt with and that her story would serve as a lesson to other bitches.

     He realized his hands were clutching the rails of the balcony tightly and his knuckles had turned white from gripping them. He released his grip and started toward the kitchen to get himself a glass of whiskey. When he got to the kitchen, Javier was there drinking whiskey all by himself. He strode into the kitchen after watching his friend for a while, went over to the counter where the bottle of whiskey stood proudly, grabbed it, and poured himself some. Javier ignored him and downed the last drink in his glass.

He knew Javier too well to know that something was bothering him, and he also noticed that Javier was acting all defensive about Cassandra since he locked her down in the tomb. He didn't want to think about what the reason could be. He gulped the whiskey, and the drink stung its way down his throat. He looked at Javier.

"Javier, hay algo que quieras decirme?" [Javier, is there anything you want to say to me?]

Javier shook his head before he answered. "No, man."

"Good," Eros replied and put the glass to his lips.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now