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    Eros sat on his balcony, watching Dimitra's red blinking track at Carlos' place. He was sure something was going on between those two. The night he was stabbed in the neck, he had seen them coming out of the restroom. He had brushed it off as nothing because Cassandra had also been there. But he had seen Dimitra going over to Carlos' place for the second time now, and she was always spending hours there. Dimitra didn't know that he had tracked her phone and sees her wherever she went unless she didn't go with her phone. He didn't bother tracking her all this while, it was none of his business where she went or where she didn't, she wasn't his business, and tracking her movement, would be a waste of his time. But he suspected that she was responsible for the death of the women he had been with.

It was logical, she was the only one who could have the motive to do that, why would someone else kill the women he had sex with? Everyone knew he never cared about those women, and he was getting concerned because it was becoming too obvious, and he needed to know the reason why. Now, he had found out about another thing. Dimitra and Carlos. He smiled to himself and rubbed his stubble.

           "Those fools," he snarled.

He would find out what it was they were doing together. It could be they were working together, and they were trying to betray him, or they were f*cking. God help Carlos if he was f*cking his woman, he would lock him up in the tomb, torture him for days, burn every part of his body with his cigar, cut him open with the sharpest knife, and release him to be chased by his dogs. They would devour him alive. He slammed the tablet on the stool beside him, tired of thinking about what was going on between them. He took up the glass by the side and sipped the wine.

The door to his room opened and in no time, Javier appeared with Bully, dragging his feet behind him. Javier was his second in command as well as his best friend, but they were different in so many ways. Javier wanted him to run his family in a more modern way and focus on business rather than women. Letting women have their say and come in on their own. Eros laughs at that sometimes. As long as life was running through him, women will never be given that privilege. They were vipers and one was just proving that to him right now.

"How did it go at the warehouse last night?" he asked. They had been alerted that there were some intruders in their warehouse the previous night. Eros had been out of town and had asked Javier to check it out.

Javier huffed. "We got there but someone else had taken care of them. They were Sebastiano's men and they wanted to steal from us."

Eros sat up. "Sebastiano?" he asked, and Javier nodded his head.

Sebastiano was the leader of his rival gang. The man was always on his neck, although he was no match for him whatsoever. But Sebastiano was not his problem right now, it was the stranger who took care of them already.

"Who is this someone?" he asked.

"A man named Apollo. We know nothing about him, but his name."

"Why did you let him go?!" Eros barked and shot up from his seat.

"What? Should we have shot him too? He helped us get those thieves who are now in the cage where they should be. But of course, I have men getting information about this Apollo. We have to know why he did that first before we think of killing him."

Eros sat down again and looked out at the men playing games in the compound. He took a deep breath. "I feel so uneasy these days and I keep having dreams. I don't know if it is because of this stab by that girl, but I don't want anything to go wrong. Find out everything you need to know about this Apollo man and why he helped in getting those Sebastiano's men."

"Have you seen the girl lately?" Javier asked.

Eros looked at him. "Out of everything I said, that's what you choose to reply to?"

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now