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Eros' dark room comprised many things. It was where he had the utmost pleasure of his life and the only place a thousand women have been. He had everything he wanted in the room; just as the name implied, it was a dark room that made sex more sensual.

Tonight, was one of the nights Eros felt like he needed to let out some steam and a whore was  there to do just that. Despite the killing of the women, he slept with, Eros didn't care, he had to be satisfied. Javier had advised him to take them home instead and see how it goes. Eros didn't like being told what to do, but he had to be cautious if he wanted to keep enjoying himself.

The whore was dancing in front of him while he watched her. The red light in the room was so dim that he could barely see her face, but she had a killer body, and the dim light made it more alluring. She danced to the slow, sensual music playing from the music player, twisting and wiggling her body like a snake. Eros was getting pleased watching her, even though a stubborn thought about the woman he locked up in the tomb kept nagging at him and he wished she was the one in front of him right now.

A mental picture of her perfect body in those revealing clothes that night kept flashing in his mind's eyes. Anger warred with pleasure as he watched the whore that was bent on pleasing him. Anger that she was so close but still very far away from his reach. Who does she think she is?

Eros might be a brutal son of the devil or the devil himself as some people would like to call him, but he was no rapist and would never force himself on any woman. All his sexual escapades with women were consensual, even with his slaves. He owned them and used them any time he wanted, but they were always so eager to have him, and none has shown any repulse, except for that woman in his tomb. That was why it frustrated him to think of her and to think of what he was going to do to her body when she finally begs him to go inside her. He was going to so punish her that in another lifetime, she would never reject him again.

The whore slowly went down to the floor, following the rhythm of the music, looking at Eros' face and with a sexy smile on her face, she started crawling slowly toward him. The anger of the news Bully and Javier brought earlier had not dissipated and he would channel all that energy into sex. He would think of this woman as the woman in the tomb and he would do things to her, things she won't forget in a hurry. This is how he gets satisfied lately, imagining those women as Cassandra and it had given him immense pleasure and satisfaction.

The whore crawled up in between his legs, he could see her face and his hardness had already started growing. She eyed the bulge on his pants and smiled, running her well-manicured, slim fingers up his thighs until they were on either side of his waist. She tried to pull at his pants, but Eros didn't move. She glanced up at him, peeking at him through her false lashes, the sultry smile never leaving her face. When she realized that Eros was asking for more seduction, she smiled broadly and started going up on him slowly, still following the rhythm of the music in the background. She slowly worked up to his chest and started to unbutton his shirt.

Her eyes sparkled with delight when she revealed his firm chest. She ran her delicate fingers down his chest to his abs and tried to kiss him, but he shoved her face away from him. He would decide when to kiss her. He was  letting her be in control just to get him aroused. He was still the master and he was the fucking dominant. Frowning slightly in disappointment, she lowered her head to his body instead and ran her tongue along his chest through his abdomen. It made Eros' cock throb and it sent the right trigger that he needed through him.

He shoved the whore away from him and stood up in his fullness. The whore knelt in front of him, looking up at him, waiting for his command. He stared down at her and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Now, suck me," he commanded.

She jumped at it and tried to unbuckle his belt with her hands but he stopped her.

"Undress me with your teeth, b*tch."

"Yes, sir," she said slowly and set to work.

After a strenuous while, she finally removed his belt with her teeth, glad at her progress, she looked up and smiled at him, waiting for him to give her another command. He ran his fingers through her hair again. He liked being in control and he liked it when women submitted totally to him, waiting for him to issue commands. The look in the girl's eyes was hunger, she was eagerly waiting for him to give her the command to pull down his pants and shorts so that she could suck on his massive cock. He smiled sinisterly; he was going to tease her a little.

"Now, stand up," he said. The whore stood, taking a few steps backward and her heels clicked on the floor. He let his eyes run all over her body. "I want you to pleasure yourself."

He was not in the business of pleasuring any woman. All he cared about was his pleasure and satisfaction and that was why he kept women around. They were his objects of pleasure, he never cared if they felt any satisfaction or not. She moved farther away from him.

"Undress yourself." She smiled. She wasn't wearing enough clothing, just a skimpy skirt, and lingerie, but he wanted her to take them off herself. She didn't show if she was disappointed about not getting his cock in her mouth as she had anticipated. She started by removing her skirt, letting it fall freely from her waist to her feet. Her eyes were still on him.

His eyes stalked her as she undressed, observing her every move like she was a specimen. She put her hands behind her back and unstrapped her bra, peeling it slowly away from her body, her supple breast bounced off in front of him and he smirked. She smiled, loving the look on his face. She grabbed her breast and fondled them softly and moaned. After fondling her breast, she flipped her hair and bit her lower lip, smiling sensually at him.

Now, his cock was throbbing, screaming to fill her up and ravage her, but he waited for her to seduce him the more. She was only in her red panties now. Red, is a color of seduction. That was what he had learned from Dimitra. She would always wear red underwear whenever she came to fuck with him and when he asked why, she told him that red was a color that arouse one sensually and it seems to have been working on him since then.

She started to remove her panties, wiggling her waist from side to side. In no time, she was stark naked, she turned her back at him to give him a view of her rounded butt, then she walked to the bed, her heels clicking on the hard floor, and climbed onto it, making sure her ass was tilted out just for his view, then crawled further in and turned to lie on her back. She propped herself up with her elbows, allowing only her lower body to be on the bed, her head raised. Eros walked over to the foot of the bed and stood watching her.

She slowly opened her legs wide, giving him the whole view of her pink, wet pussy. He swallowed and watched on. She stuck her forefinger into her mouth and sucked on it for a while. Still giving him sultry looks and smiles, she put the finger she had sucked between her thighs and robbed her clitoris

"Ahh," she purred and closed her eyes as sweetness shot through her. She kept rubbing and moaning aloud, fondling her breast with the other hand.

Her moans turned him on the more and looking at her there, all he saw was Cassandra. She was doing anything to please him, she would do anything to lure him to bed. His cock was so erect now that he felt it might tear away from his body if he didn't feed it with her pussy. He stroked it and watched the woman who was journeying to her cliff.

"Master Eros, fuck me, please," she begged as she opened her eyes staring right at him in anticipation.

All he saw was Cassandra, lying there, begging him to fuck her. He smirked.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now