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Eros walked into the room, unbuttoning his shirt and to his surprise, Cassandra was tied up in his bed. He doesn't bring his sexual escapades to his room. The only woman he'd had sex with, in his room was Dimitra and it was only once. Looking at Cassandra tied up there, naked, with her arms and legs spread out and inviting, he felt his manhood swell. But he wondered how she got there and who tied her up. To his surprise, she had a smile on her face, a sexy smile that sent electricity running through his veins and he felt desire surge into him like a flowing stream. He stood there looking at her and when he opened his mouth to say something, she interrupted him.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" she asked in a sultry voice that made his shaft stand and threatened to tear his pants.

He could even feel it throbbing. The thought of filling her up debilitated him already. She smiled at him again as if she read his mind and led his gaze with her eyes from her face down to her supple breasts.

"You want me tied and ready for you, right? It is the only ticket to my freedom, right?"

"Cassandra," he called but his voice came out in a hoarse whisper, and he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down his throat.

"I am ready. Come and take me, do whatever you want to me, master Eros."

The way she said his name, made something in the pit of his stomach crawl. He felt his mouth water as he ran his eyes down her body in anticipation, imagining what it would feel like to run his tongue over her body. That thought made his legs move from where he stood, and he walked toward the bed. He stalked her with his eyes as he moved slowly toward her as if taking a glimpse away from her would give her the time to disappear into thin air. He climbed into bed, took her face in his palm, and stroked her cheek with his thumb. She closed her eyes and parted her lips like his touch was already giving her an orgasm.

He put his finger into her mouth, and she sucked at it, peeking at him from under her lashes. He shuddered when he thought of her luscious lips wrapped around his cock and her warm mouth sucking him in. He almost released at the thought of that. Finally, he had her to himself and he didn't want to begin to think about what made her change her mind. He could do whatever he wanted to her right now, he could punish her all he wanted, he could flog her until she bleeds, but her body was too enticing and soft that all he wanted to do was wrap himself all around her. She was not only beautiful facially, but her whole body was damn beautiful. From her long, dark wavy hair to her delicate toes.

She had a special glow tonight, a glow that drew him in more than he could control and the thought of having her surrender to him tonight made his heart melt like wax.

"Touch me, master Eros," she said with her voice dripping with desire.

"Are you joking with me right now," he asked, his voice raspy, his eyes on her lips. He knew the answer to that question, it was written all over her face, and her face was clouded with desire as she sucked his finger in her mouth.

He reached over and untied her hands that were tied to the bedposts. She quickly grabbed the bulge of his manhood on his pants and started to run her hand up and down, she looked him in the eyes and giggled lightly and he closed his eyes as pleasure shot through his veins. She was going to be the end of him. She made him so weak, and he didn't even have the power to dominate her again or issue out commands like he used to. He was all hers to take. She unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxer panties. His length sprang out at her, and her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at him with greed. He shuddered when he felt her warm and soft palm on his raw shaft.

She began to stroke him, and a low hum escaped his throat as he took in a deep breath. Then she bent her head, moved backward on her knees, and with her butt tilted up, she licked the tip of his cock with her tongue, playing with it while tending to his balls with her hand.

"Cassandra, take all of me," he whispered.

She took him in her mouth, inch by inch until she gagged with his whole length in her mouth, then she began to bob her head up and down his length, her hand resting on his sturdy thighs for support. Eros closed his eyes as pure bliss engulfed him. He grabbed her hair as she moved up and down his hard cock. When she had pleasured him to a point, he thought he was going to erupt, he quickly grabbed her and threw her on the bed, putting himself between her legs immediately, her eyes were filled with desire as she looked into his eyes.

He grabbed her supple breasts with his hands and squeezed them. She closed her eyes and gasped, pushing up her lower body from the bed so that her wetness could touch his cock. He sucked at her nipples one after the other. It was as if she commanded him with her body, he was doing things he never did before. He had promised this girl that he was going to f*ck her until she was pleading with him, this was not what he had promised her.

He didn't intend to take it slow with her, he didn't intend to give her pleasure, he didn't have that time, but why was he loving the feeling that her moans gave him? Why did he enjoy seeing her pleasure? He couldn't even bring himself to stay away without touching her body. He started placing small kisses on her soft body and with each kiss he placed, he felt her body shudder at his touch, and it aroused him the more, the way she responded to his every touch, she kept grinding up into his hardened cock, he watched her face as he went down, and she was letting out the sexiest breathy moans.

He slid down her body, dipping his tongue into her navel, and then traced his tongue along her flat tummy, all the way until he was at the top of her wetness. She parted her legs wider, inviting him in. He ran his fingers along her labia, and she let out a soft moan, then he bent down and took in her pink pussy, already glistering in anticipation. She lets out a gasp and a sexy moan, then she reached over and dug her hand in his hair, wiggling her body on the bed as he flicked his tongue over her clits. Then he slid a finger inside her, and she clenched it so tightly, that he shuddered, imagining how good she would feel around his cock.

He sucked her for a while, enjoying the sexy moans that were escaping her throat, and the way she was pushing herself harder against his mouth and holding his head steady with her hand, made him want to be inside her more than ever. His cock was pulsating badly now and needed to fill inside of her.

"Please, don't stop," she begged, as he ate her out.

He pushed his finger in and out and flicked his tongue back and forth on her clit until her legs began to quiver and she muttered something he couldn't even understand as her eyeballs rolled up. By now, he was so sodden with desire and wanted nothing ever more than to be inside her. He raised his face from between her legs and she sat up immediately, grabbing his face with her hands and kissing him like she wanted to eat his face out. Then she slowly rose to her knees, still kissing him and guiding his hands to her breasts. He fondled her breast as they kissed hungrily.

She pushed him down on the bed and he was surprised at himself that he let her be in control, something he has never done before. But he was thinking with his cock now and not his head, so he let her have her way. He lay there, looking as she climbed up to him slowly. His shooting cock touched the lip of her pussy as she climbed on top of him, and it caused an explosion of sensation through his whole body. She smiled down at him as if she knew what she had done, and kissed him, nibbling at his lower lips, before she guided his hammering cock into her wet pussy.

Just then, the room door flung open and as he tried to see who came into his room without knocking, his eyes flared open. He was alone on his bed, it was morning and so bright. His room door closed with a thud, and he looked down to see Javier standing there, looking at him with a shocked expression. His brows furrowed and he followed Javier's gaze down his body and there was his cock, hard and bulging out of even the covers, over his body.

"Is that your cock?" Javier teased, pointing at the bulge, and started to snicker."

"F*ck you, Javier." He threw the blankets off himself and climbed out of bed. "What brought you to my room this early morning?"

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now