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       "The show is over. Now, go back to your duty posts," Javier said, stepping into the kitchen. The staff and soldiers slowly left the kitchen, leaving Cassandra still seated on the floor, looking defeated. Carlos was still there on the floor, whimpering and clutching his face. Javier motioned Bully and Apollo to take him to Grandma Adella's apartment to be fixed. She just returned from her trip.

When the men led Carlos out of the kitchen, Javier turned to Cassandra and stretched out his hand. She took it hesitantly; he dragged her up from the floor and made her seat on a tall stool by the island. He filled a tall glass with water and handed it to her while sitting on the stool next to her. Cassandra stared at the glass. She didn't know what to think as so many thoughts swarm her mind at the moment. She didn't know if Eros was mad at her or not and she didn't understand the look Lucia gave her.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Javier asked her.

She looked him up and down. This was not the time to be sassy or rude. Since she came, all this guy tried to do was make friends with her and he had been nothing more than nice to her. Maybe, he wasn't like Eros and Carlos, maybe he was different, maybe she should give him the benefit of doubt and she was starving after all. She didn't get to eat breakfast before going to meet with her friend, now it was almost noon, and she had no choice but to comply.

"I'm starving, thank you."

   He shot her a cocky grin and stood from the stool. She thought he was going to serve her one of those packed foods in the refrigerator, but when he started to take out utensils to cook with, she leaned back on her chair, took a sip from the glass of water, and watched him as he prepared to cook. He was in his element there, he knew the kitchen very well and knew where every utensil was. After a while of whisking things together, he placed a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon and then proceeded to make the coffee.

"Thank you," Cassandra muttered and started digging into her meal.

Javier shrugged, made the cup of coffee, and placed it in front of her. He made a cup for himself and resumed his seat. Cassandra was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the food. She nodded her head as she savored it and smiled at him.

"This is good. Did you get some entrepreneurial skills in cooking?"

Javier chuckled and dropped his cup on the table. "Don't flatter me," he murmured.

"No, I am being serious. This tastes good. Do you usually cook for all your girls?"

Javier didn't seem to understand the question for a moment, but he snorted and looked down. "You would be the first."

Cassandra restrained herself from rolling her eyes. "You know I don't believe you, right?" she asked and took a bite out of the toast.

"I know, but it is fine."

"So, where did you learn how to cook like this? You are a very good cook; I must give you that."

Javier hiked his shoulders. "My mom, she was a terrific cook."

"She must truly be a good cook. I wish to eat her food someday if that will even be possible," Cassandra said amidst a chuckle.

Javier smiled. "I would have loved that too, but she passed away a few years ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that."

Javier scrunched his face. "It's probably a long time now, I don't remember the pain anymore."

Cassandra hummed and continued to eat. "You seem quite different from Eros and the rest, how did you two know each other?"

Javier's smile widened. "Eros is my friend from the cradle. We have known each other since we were babies. He is a few months older than I am, but we were born in the same year. My father worked for his father, and they were quite close."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now