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      Later that evening, a knock came at the door and Apollo answered it. Lucia stood there with a folded dress on her arm. Apollo glared at her, and she stared back at him.

  "What do you want? he asked.

  "Master has requested her presence."

Cassandra who was trying to catch some sleep jumped up from the bed when she heard Lucia's voice. "Lucia!" she called.

  Lucia ran past Apollo who was still standing there confused and ran into Cassandra's open arms. "Oh, my God, I have been looking out for you," Lucia said.

  They hugged each other for a while before they pulled away. Apollo ignored them and went to the window, looking at the people that were playing games. Cassandra dragged Lucia to the bed.

  "We have a lot to talk about."

  "Yes, because I am curious to know why master Eros is sending you this dress and requesting the chief to make you up. It looks like you both have a date tonight," Lucia said, shoving the dress to Cassandra.

  Cassandra looked at Apollo, he seemed uninterested in their conversation, Lucia followed her gaze, looked at Apollo, and turned back to her.

  "I wish to be you right now. Getting noticed by the master and being looked after by this hot hunk,"

  "Lucia, the master only wants my body, he wants to sleep with me."

  "Who cares? I have been dreaming of the day master Eros would have his weapon in me. You are being offered this in a platter of gold, girl." Lucia pulled closer and had a mischievous look on her face. "Tell me, have you guys...?" She demonstrated by folding one of her hands and hitting it with the other hand. "I mean you and..." she gestured towards Apollo with her head.

  Cassandra's eyes widened and she gave Lucia a soft spank on the shoulder. "Get that out of your perverted mind, you horny girl."

  "Will you blame me? A mansion surrounded by hot males ready to take you up on an offer. I can't believe I was missing all these when I was locked up in that dungeon. Thank you for making me leave there. How can you not notice all these hunky men around you?"

  "Lucia, I have bigger problems than sex."

  "Virgin Cassie... I will seduce this man here, just watch me, and one day, I will tell you the story."

  "Back off!" Cassandra snapped but recovered immediately. She couldn't tell Lucia that it was her fiancé they were talking about because Apollo had asked that they keep the secret between them. "He is off-limit."

  " I see someone has already marked their territory and you pretend like he does not affect you?"

  "What if he has? I can't even try because..."

   "You are a virgin, I get it, but people like me who are not virgins will push our luck around these men. I have a juicy gist for you, though." Lucia leaned closer.

  "What is that?"

  "I am f*cking one of master Eros' friends, his name is Carlos, and he is a sex god. If his friend is like this, I wonder how master Eros will be." Lucia looked up and a dreamy look settled on her face. "I wonder how that day will be. I will scream so loud that you will hear it from wherever you are."

  "I think you are obsessed with this man, but how many of them do you want to be intimate with?"

Lucia looked at her and scowled. "Who says intimate these days? I want to f*ck every damn man in this mansion."

  "Whatever, don't just f*ck my bodyguard, he is off-limits."

  "If you sleep over him, I will take him up, besides, don't go all overprotective on me. Nobody owns any man in this mansion and no man owns nobody. Let's get you going to see the master. Make sure you give me all the juicy details of tonight's episode."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now