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Cassandra watched Eros as he controlled the steering, his eyes focused on the road. She has not been in a car with Eros before and had never seen him drive. She never knew that the sight would dazzle her so much. She could tell he was still furious from the information he received about Marco selling them out to the police, but he was just calm because of her and now, he was taking her somewhere, to show her something, he had tagged as a surprise. She didn't want to get ahead of herself thinking Eros was changing because of her, but she was excited that he at least listens to her.

She watched Eros' sturdy arms as he manoeuvred the steering and felt her heart manoeuvring toward him. He was an embodiment of sexiness and sexual sin and she has never failed to notice it, just that she wasn't a fan of his temper. Eros was temptation in every way, in the way he carried himself when he walked, not like he owned the world, but like he didn't care who owns the world, his smirk that was so evil had somehow become something that made her heart flutter, no matter how she denied it, she can never lie to herself.

When he apologized in the morning, her heart melted and she almost didn't believe it, but he did, no matter how hard it was for him. But she had to sort out what it was she was feeling for him before she knew her next step. Eros hurt her physically while Apollo hurt her emotions, she loved Apollo and it was not going to be so easy to move on from him, but she was attracted to Eros too and only restrained herself from giving in to him because Apollo was in the picture. Now that he hurt her, she could get back at him by sleeping with Eros, but that would just make her worse than him because she would only be using Eros.

"What's on your mind?" Eros asked drawing her mind back to the present.

She blinked and found him looking at her, his face was drawn up in a lopsided smile. "Nothing, just wondering where you are taking me to."

"Or you are just ogling at me, wondering what I will be like in bed."

"What? No!" I mean, a little. "No! don't flatter yourself."

Eros returned his gaze to the road with a cocky grin and Cassandra found herself swooning again. She has never seen the playful side of Eros before. Silence slipped in and settled between them again. They were getting close but were not yet very comfortable with each other to discuss sensitive issues, maybe because of the sexual tension between them.

"So, who is Marco to you?" Cassandra asked randomly when the silence was getting longer.

"Well, he is in the mafia, why do you ask?"

"That last time, you looked as if you were scared of him, even when it was clear that you were mad."

Eros chuckled. "Scared? I am never scared of anyone. Marco is our biggest and oldest coke supplier. I am just tolerating the bastard because he gives us good stuff at reasonable prices."

"Coke," Cassandra said, turned to the road, drew in a deep breath, and nodded her head. One reason why she wasn't sure she wanted to be with Eros. She never wanted a life of chaos.

Eros glanced at her as if he read her mind. "I don't...I don't do it." Cassandra looked at him and arched an eyebrow. "Coke...I don't do drugs. I saw a man die from an overdose when I was a boy, so I don't do it."

As if that justified selling and supplying it. Cassandra nodded and turned her face again. She shouldn't judge him though. She smiled and looked at him again. He glanced at her and returned his gaze to the road, his finger tapping on the steering. Was he nervous?

"Er...you said something the other day..." He looked uncertain. "You said you hate the mafia and everything about it."

"Do you like the mafia?" Cassandra returned his question.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now