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     Somewhere on the way, Cassandra stirred in her unconsciousness, and it had pacified Eros. He has never been this out of his mind seeing someone hurt before.

   When they got to the mansion, he got out of the car, took Cassandra out of the car with Leo's help, and carried her bridal style toward the house. He kept looking at the perfection that was her face as he approached the front door. The cut on her forehead didn't mar the beauty and it drew him in the more. The pronounced lines of her eyebrows, her lush eyelashes, her straight, small nose, the beautiful contour of her cheekbones, and her slightly parted lips, she was all shades of beauty and mystery to him.

    Bully and Apollo came running out to get Cassandra from him, but he restricted them, shoving Cassandra away from their outstretched arms.

    "What happened to her?" the guy Apollo asked concerned.

    Eros ignored him, but something shifted in him, something was not sitting right with the concern in the guy's voice. Eros didn't like that this guy was concerned about Cassandra. But that was not an important case right now, Cassie was and tonight, he was taking care of her.

    He stopped when he saw a fuming Dimitra in the living room, waiting with her hands on her waist. She eyed the woman in his hands but remained quiet, watching him move ahead. She dares not stop him to ask unnecessary questions when she could see he was pretty occupied and in a hurry.

    Javier and Carlos came out of the kitchen and were surprised to see him carry a woman in his arms. It was almost unimaginable, and they all stood in different corners of the living room watching him like he stepped out from a whole different planet as he made his way up the stairs.

     "Bully, get me the first aid box from Grandma Adella's apartment, you, Apollo, get it to my room and get the maids to give you aspirin."

     "Yes, boss," Bully and Apollo chorused and dashed out of the living room immediately.

    Eros got to his bedroom door, and inserted the key card into the door, a beep sound indicated that it has been unlocked, he turned the knob and kicked it open with his foot. His room was dark, but once he stepped in, the lights came on their own. He moved to the giant, luxurious bed in the middle of the room and gently laid her. She muttered some unintelligible words and turned to lie on her side, snuggling up.

    He sat on the side of the bed, looking at her face and pondering why he was so attracted to her. He pushed a strand of hair away from her face, gently tugging it behind her ears. Her face seems to have charms of its own because he wasn't able to remove his eyes from her.

    In no time, a faint knock came on his door, he snapped his head towards the door, removing his gaze from Cassandra for only a few seconds, and returned them to her face before answering.

    "Come in," he barked. "Code is 1475887."

Apollo came in, holding a first aid box in one hand and a tray of medicine in the other hand. He was so interested in watching Cassandra that he didn't see Apollo's clenched jaw and his fist tightening around the first aid box.

   "Drop them and leave us alone," he said to the new guy.

  Apollo dropped the first aid box and tray on the nightstand and started to leave, his feet pounding heavily on the floor.

     " you happen to know anything about the treatment of wounds?" Eros asked bringing him to a halt. All Eros knew about was how to inflict wounds and not do treat them.

    "I can do it for you if you want, boss," Apollo replied.

   The thought of standing there watching another man touch Cassandra in his presence made him shake his head and wave him off.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now