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  Cassandra beat Grandma Adella to preparing breakfast that morning. She enjoyed the older woman's meals but wanted to prepare something for Eros. She had never made a meal for him before. Also, she wanted it as a bribe to see her father. She was whisking the eggs when Eros came bounding into the kitchen. He was shirtless, and the sight of his biceps distracted Cassandra a little. He had been flaunting his chest lately, and Cassandra didn't understand why. Was he trying to seduce her, or was he trying to remind her of how much sex appeal he has?

He sat by the island behind her, and she felt his gaze all over her, but she ignored the feeling. They had not had sex after the first day, and the tension was there. It was growing on them, but something was keeping them at bay. Cassandra didn't know if it was right for her to keep sleeping with Eros since she was not sure she was entirely over Apollo. It felt like she was using him, and she didn't want that. She enjoyed sex with Eros, and it was as if her body was made for Eros to explore because he knew just the right places to touch her to make her wild and yearning. She didn't need to sleep with another man to know that. Another moment will come, and by then, she would fulling be in it and ready to return the pleasure, but for now, all she wanted was to get her head straight on what she wanted.

"No work today?" she asked, turning to look at him and finding herself ogling at his sexy body again.

Eros smirked. He knew what he was doing. He was seducing her and was already winning because she wanted to feel his lips all over her again. Eros stood up and walked up to her, his cocky smirk still on his face.

"Javier can take care of things for now."

"Okay," Cassandra said nervously. "I decided to make breakfast. I realized you have never eaten what I prepared; I am almost done. You can sit there; I will bring it to you."

Eros resisted the urge to haul her against him and kiss her silly. "Why? Are you scared of the fire I stir in you?"

Cassandra scoffed and eyed him. "Don't flatter yourself. I am way too sober for that."

Eros cocked his brows. "Are you?" He moved closer, his eyes stalking her, and she took a step back. He stalked her until her back hit the refrigerator, and she couldn't move anywhere else. Her breath was already hitching, and she was already engulfed in his heat. Her heart was racing dangerously too. Eros was the master of seduction and could make a nun sin. He was sin personified, a sweet corruption, though.

"You have missed me as much as I have missed you, Cassie." His voice was raspy now.

For a second, he felt she was going to deny it too. Then she huffed in exasperation. "Yes, Eros, but we are in the kitchen right now; someone might walk in. What if Grandma Adella walks in on us?"

Eros smirked again. "Sex is sweeter when the risk is higher."

Cassandra scoffed again. "Well, I won't still have sex with you in the kitchen. Get away from me, Satan." She gave him a little push on the chest. He took a few steps back, twitched his face, and started moving back to the kitchen island.

"What a boring girl," he muttered but loud enough for him to hear.

Cassandra scoffed and blinked severally. "Bor... boring? You think I am boring? It won't still get you between my legs, horny guy," she retorted.

"We will see about that, virgin Cassie the nun."

Cassandra went into a fit of snickering, throwing her head back. Eros watched her with all admiration. She was so beautiful. Why had he not seen it earlier? To think he even raised a hand on this perfect creation before him, made him repulse himself. He swore always to keep her laughing like this. He was just happy to spend time with her. She dropped a plate of eggs and toast in front of him and prepared two cups of coffee.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now