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    He had called it a tomb and had spelled out everything he would do to her for hurting him and for hiding in his grandmother's apartment. She was dragged into the dark room or wherever by the big man called Bully and had been locked up there. The room was so dark that she couldn't tell day from night, and she didn't know how long she had been in there, but she was sure of one thing, they were starving her. She was sure it had been days since she was locked in there. He was going to starve her to death.


    She had grown weak; her lips were thirsty, and she must have emaciated because she could feel her bones on her skin. All she did was lie down there on the cold, stale floor and wait for her death, that was the only thing she felt would put her to rest. Her parents were dead, and she had no other sibling or anyone to go back to. Apollo must have given up on her since he couldn't face Eros.

As she closed her eyes and curled up on the floor, waiting for her death, she heard the clang of an iron door somewhere. Her mind was far too blank and tired to pick up where it came from. Then, there were footsteps and voices of men. She couldn't tell where the tomb was, for the days she had been locked up in there, she didn't hear any sound nor see any light. Sooner, a bright light flashed on her face, blinding her. She tightened her eyes, blocking out the bright light with her hand.

"Ponte de pie," [Stand up] a voice commanded her. She knew it was Bully's voice.

But all the bones in her body were too weak to move. Bully grabbed her by the arm and dragged her up to a sitting position.

"Bully, take it easy, she is so weak," she heard another voice say. She didn't recognize the voice, and her eyes were too weak to look up.

     She let her head fall, hanging off her neck as Bully sat her down. He squatted in front of her, and an aroma wafted into her nostrils, awakening her senses, her eyes, and her interest. Her eyes widened as she perceived food. The huge man dropped a flask of food in front of her. Bully was offering her food and a bottle of water. She grabbed the flask immediately and started to devour the food. Bully stood up and watched her.

     Cassandra has never been grateful for anything in her life. She never knew there was an intention to give her food. Pain coursed through her throat as she swallowed the first handful. Her throat was so dry, that it hurt, and it felt like her throat was torn as the food passed through it. She grabbed the water and took a long gulp, using the opportunity to get a glimpse of the other man who was there with Bully. She couldn't see his face clearly because the light was focused on her.

     The man walked up to her and squatted so that their faces were inches apart and she recognized him. She has seen him once, at the seduce me, night, and she still remembered him. He was the only man who had spoken to her like a human since she got here. The smile on his face that night was there, but this time, it was tinted with sadness and pity, pity for her. The last thing he had said to her came to her mind.

          I hope he doesn't choose you.

She more than hoped for that now. She knew he was Eros' friend and must be a very close one to be allowed to come down there and she was feeling an animosity for Eros Castillo that passed on to everything and everyone connecting to him right at that moment.

"What do you want?" she asked, hoping her voice came out as impassive as she had intended.

"It's good that you are alive. I am not your enemy," Javier replied.

"I don't need a friend," she said scooping the last food in the flask. Her mouth was smeared with food, but she didn't mind.

"Eros wouldn't mind if you are dead."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now