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    Cassandra was quiet throughout their journey back to the mansion. Eros let her be, only casting occasionally glances her way and wondering what must have gone wrong. When they got to the mansion, Cassandra went into the kitchen to get a glass of water while Eros went to his room. She was surprised to see Grandma Adella in the kitchen setting the table.

"You are back," the old woman said excitedly when Cassandra entered the kitchen. Cassandra didn't say anything, she just walked over and hugged the woman, who was shocked at first but slowly wrapped her arms around Cassandra.

"Grandma Adella, I am confused," Cassandra said slowly, pulling away from the woman.

Grandma Adella looked at her and smiled, grabbed her hand, and led her to a stool by the island. "What is troubling your beautiful mind?"

Cassandra took in a deep breath, and her look became distant. "Eros...Eros apologized to me."

Grandma Adella clutched her hands together with a bright smile. "He did?" Cassandra nodded. "That's a great start, not that it would make up for how he treated you, though."

Cassandra nodded again. "I met my father today."

"Oh, my God! He is not dead?"

Cassandra nodded with a smile and tears in her eyes. "Guess it was all in my head. He said Eros got interested in me and left him alone when I walked in on them."

"I am so happy for you, dear. But you said you are confused, and you don't look bright at all." She took Cassandra's hands in hers.

Cassandra nodded again, tears pooling in her eyes. "I shouldn't forgive Eros, right?" Grandma Adella just stared at her. She wiped her tears. "I am just confused."

"Do you feel anything for him?"

"That's it... I can't even tell if I feel anything... I don't know what I feel. The feeling has been here for quite a while now, but I chose to ignore it, now, Eros is making it difficult to hate him. I mean, he is a dangerous man; I have every reason not to want anything to do with him, right?"

Grandma Adella stared at her for a while. "Come here," she said, pulling Cassandra into a warm hug and patting her back. "Cassie, I understand you so much." She pulled away. "However, when it comes to matters of the heart, no one can really give you better advice. As a woman, I don't want you to be with a man who has ever raised a hand on you, no matter what, a man who has tortured you both emotionally and physically." She shook her head. "I won't. But if you feel this man is more than willing to change if you are sure he would never do that to you again in the future, if you are willing to give him a chance, and if he promises never to touch you ever again... no one is perfect, but if someone is willing to change for you when you are not even trying so hard, have to follow your heart, Cassie."

Cassandra stared at her for a while, sniffed, and wiped the tears falling down her cheeks. "I am hurt, ma. I just want to find out if this is just lust or infatuation. I mean, Eros is a man with great sex appeal, and I am human and..."

"Listen to your heart, Cassie. Keep the doubts aside and do what you want."

Cassandra hugged the older woman again. "Thank you, Grandma Adella, for listening to me and telling me what you think. You are the only friend I have."

Grandma Adella's hands tightened around her. "Cassandra, I fish out good things, and I fish out good people, too. I have always known you were a good girl. I should thank you for coming into the life of our Eros. Have you heard of the devil meeting an angel before?" Cassandra pulled away and snickered, Grandma Adella joined her. They laughed for a short while. "Now, go and freshen up and come down for dinner, I made you dinner myself."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now