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 "Perfecto! Perfecto!" Eros bellowed.

Cassandra stared bewilderedly at him. What was he saying? Was he going to take her virginity just like that? Without passion? The real question was if she was going to lose her virginity like that to this dangerous man. She would rather die. She hated him even more for being so casual about her purity. Cassandra stared at him with so much hatred, but she bet that was not going to ruffle him either; he had sold his soul to the devil, and nothing could soften his heart.

"Now, strip down and come here." It was a command. His voice has taken on a more serious note.

It was clear that she had wasted enough of his time. But she couldn't bear to be deflowered by a man who didn't even have an atom of feeling for her. What was he going to do after he was done with her? Throw her out of the room while she was in pain? Leave her in the room, and walk away when he is in the room. She fought back her tears. She was not going to show vulnerability; it was only going to boost his ego. But something told her that the man in front of her was a raving egomaniac who didn't need anything to boost his ego.

The respect he got from the people around him, although it was coerced, the way women fawned around him, and the way he got whatever he wanted, made him feel so important.

"You took me in exchange for money," she said again. "I can look for a way to pay you back; just let me go."

He stared at her for a while, wondering if she was bargaining with him. Who was she? Even her eyes didn't hold the usual fear in the eyes of the other women he brought to the room. It might be that she didn't know who he was or had never heard about him. It got him wondering where he had dragged her away from. No woman talked back at him; no woman dared to talk back at him or keep him waiting. He had no regard for them and felt like each second he spent with them, if it were not for sexual activities, was a waste of his time. They weren't valued and contributed nothing to him; they were dumb and were all the same. Ungrateful beings! To him, they are worth nothing more than sex toys.

"Didn't they tell you who I am?" He asked, his voice cold as steel.

"I can't lose my virginity this way," she muttered.

This is the only thing I ask of you, and you are holding me up like a f*cking idiot.

Usually, he should have been punishing the b*tch now, dominating her, and giving her more so that she would beg for more from him. He didn't have much time for this. The b*tch was supposed to be on her knees now, stroking his flaccid shaft.


Dimitra shut the door to her apartment in frustration because the door shook on its hinges. Renata, her friend and roommate, woke up from the noise and went out to the living room, where Dimitra was pacing about in fury.

"I thought you would be satisfied tonight," Renata asked.

Dimitra turned and slumped down on the sofa, ignoring her. Renata went around and sat beside her, looking at her frustrated face.

"What is the problem?" "Why are you fuming?"

"Cassandra Lopez" was all Dimitra could say as she tightened her knuckles.

Renata looked from her hand to her face. "Am I supposed to know her? Is she one of his whores?"

"Well, she just joined tonight," Dimitra snared. '

"Calm down and explain to me. You always get yourself worked up when it comes to Eros. You should have gotten used to him by now; you should have gotten used to his lifestyle by now, or better yet, stop going for whatever night you go for." It only breaks your heart."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now