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    Hurray! Book one has finally ended and I am so excited. However, I am sorry to break your heart about the suspense. I know I left you hanging, but you can still find out what happened in BOOK TWO titled HEART OF THE HEARTLESS. It will come soon, and I will announce the date soon.

For now, I need to focus and write my final exams and I promise you it's going to get better in book two. However, I did not end BOOK ONE because of the exams or school. This is how I wanted to end it to make up for a better BOOK TWO.

I want to thank God Almighty, who kept me alive and safe despite all the crises in Nigeria. I travel and come back in peace, and nothing happens to me. He kept me alive and strong through the year and even led me through surgery and other things. He is the reason I could still type out this story.

I also want to use this opportunity to thank each one of you that followed me through this journey. The journey of Eros and Cassandra has not ended yet, but the first part of it has and you followed through. Thank you very much.

You my readers are my backbone and without you, this book wouldn't have come to fruition. Thank you for your comments, your votes, your likes, your tips, and every other thing you did to support me, I am genuinely grateful for them. As I said, I will be announcing the release date of BOOK TWO soon, by then I will be done with my final exams, but it would be between the end of February and the beginning of March.

I also want to the platforms that gave my story a chance. I don't think this story would have been told if no platform had accepted it. I also want to thank my family and friends who helped me out in one way or the other. I want to thank some of my friends for reading the book and always egging me on for an update. You all lifted my spirit with your comments and your persuasions for more updates. Sometimes when I feel like I don't want to write anymore, I remember that people are waiting for my update and it feels like I owe them.

Then I revisit your comments; believe me, they inspire me most of the time. Thank you for your kind words in your reviews too despite my imperfection in grammar, you still made me feel loved. Thanks to every other person that helped me in one way or the other. I love you all.

Enjoy this festive season and always live your best life. Merry Christmas to you all and a prosperous New Year. I will see you all in 2023.

Here is a sneak peek of what to expect in BOOK TWO, HERAT OF THE HEARTLESS.

Eros and Cassandra battled with mistrust from their past, an unexpected new enemy arose, and new complications threatened to push them apart. Will they find their way back to love and fight this enemy or will the forces of these complications push them apart? Find out in Book 2 of the Heartless series.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now