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Eros watched the drunk woman in front of him. It was so obvious that she was drunk, yet she stubbornly refused to admit it. He sighed. Women will always be women. The clients left after discussing plans for their arrival in Miami. He didn't understand the essence of convincing people about true love to make them use a service, but since it was fetching a lot of money, he was all in, even though he wasn't a man of love.

He watched Cassandra grab the bottle of wine again. She was hellbent on proving that she was level-headed and for some strange reason, he found her so cute and didn't know about the smile plastered on his face until she asked him about it.

She scowled and belched, pointing at his face. "Why in god's name do you have that smile on your face?" Her voice was a little high and drew attention to them.

Eros looked around and found some heads turning quickly away from them. Instead of getting irritated with her like he always did with women, he found it amusing and chuckled.

"Are you laughing at me right now?" she asked, grabbed her purse, and pointed it at him.

"If only you know how cute you look, but you have to bring down your voice, you are almost causing a scene and I don't like scenes."

"To hell with what you like, it might interest you to know that I don't like you!"

Eros' brows creased in a frown. He knew most people around him were perking their ears to know what was going on. He rubbed his temple and shifted uncomfortably on his chair.

"I see..."

Leo appeared beside the table and gave Cassandra a furtive glance before speaking to Eros.

"Don, should I dispose of her?"

Eros shot him a sharp look and looked back at Cassandra. "Rephrase your question." his voice was getting icy and he felt anger growing in him, and almost tasted it on his tongue. However, he didn't know if it was the jabs her words gave to his heart or if he was mad at Leo for daring to use such condescending words for a woman he had made everyone believe was his girlfriend.

"... should I take her home?" Leo said tentatively. The poor man was torn between confusion and fear. Surely, it wasn't his first time following his boss to events like this and he had discharged more women for being less mortifying. This defensive reaction from his boss was new to him.

"Take her to my car...and be careful she is drunk."

"I am not drunk, you Monster King!" she yelled at Eros as Leo grabbed her arm. "Let go of me for I am only tipsy!"

"I understand. I will only help you walk. The ground is a little slippery and you won't want to sprain your beautiful ankle." Leo cajoled.

Cassandra looked down at her feet and the ground seemed to be moving underneath. She quickly grabbed Leo's arms to steady herself while Eros watched with a clenched jaw.

"Alright, alright, just be careful, you too, because the ground seems to be moving. Wait!" she yelled once Leo put one arm on her shoulder.

The man flinched and quickly withdrew his hand from her shoulder. "I didn't mean to..."

She kicked off her shoes and picked them from the floor. "Can we leave now? I hate seeing his face."

Leo led her away from the table while Eros watched them, his hands tightening into fists. Other people were watching now and he could almost read the hilarious headlines tomorrow. No one dared make a video of what was going on because his reputation was no joke, but he knew that somehow, the media would get hold of it. He won't let that happen anyway.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now