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    Cassandra was busy pondering over what Bully said about Eros investigating Apollo. She needed to meet Apollo and let him in on the latest. Was this not why he kept her here? To get as much information as she could. She was also trying her best to look unperturbed in Bully's presence. For all she know, they might know something was going on between her and Apollo.

    She had long lost her appetite for the food in front of her, but she kept picking on it to erase every suspicion. Bully has been trying to pick up interesting topics, but the conversation dies down a few seconds after it has started because her mind was occupied with something else.

      Sudden footsteps ran down the stairs towards the kitchen. She was curious to know who wore heels in the mansion or was she not the only woman there? Her question was answered when Dimitra came rushing into the kitchen with her face red with anger, made for the cabinet, and grabbed a bottle of wine, totally ignoring them. They watched as she gulped a large amount, and coughed, the wine spluttered all over her as she did.

      "¿Estás bien?" (Are you alright?) Bully asked.

    She turned to look at them, glaring at Cassandra. She seem to notice them just then and she grabbed her purse which she has kept on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving the bottle of wine open. Cassandra looked at Bully who was now smiling.

    "What just happened?"

Bully chuckled.  "She must have walked in on Carlos and your friend, Lucia, fucking."

   Cassandra's eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her palm. Bully laughed harder.

     "She didn't tell you that they were fucking?"

    "Oh, she's just," she huffed, words escaping her.

    "You should be careful of her though, she is one horny girl roaming around this mansion."

    "She is my friend, Panda," Cassandra said rolling her eyes at him.

   It made Bully laugh even more. "I won't trust a horny friend."

     "Well, everyone in this mansion is as horny as hell, so you don't blame her."

     "Alright." Bully raised his hands in surrender.

    Cassandra wanted to ask why Dimitra looked so flustered, but she remembered that she had seen Carlos and Dimitra fucking once and she swallowed her words. They all deserved themselves. While Dimitra claims to be pinning for Eros, she goes ahead sleeping with his friend, and does she have the right to get angry to see him fuck another woman?

     Just then, Carlos came hurrying into the kitchen ignoring them and going towards the door. Why were they all coming down to the kitchen? Where have they all entered from? Finally, Lucia came down and her eyes lightened when she saw Cassandra.


     "Hey, you." Cassandra cast her a knowing look. Lucia took a seat beside Cassandra and Bully stood and went over to the door. "What problem have you caused?"

   Lucia sighed. "I'm more interested in your pretension, Cassie."

    Cassandra's brows drew into a scowl. "What do you mean?"

     "Cassie, you didn't have to lie to me about fucking Eros. I know it's your first time and you get a little shy talking about it, but I am like your best friend here and..."

      "Wait, what are you talking about right now? You can't be serious are you?"

     "I have never been more serious. I just had to find out from someone else. The whole mansion is talking about it."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now