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  "Why are we at the bank?" Cassandra inquired once Eros pulled into the parking lot. Eros smiled lopsidedly.

"We came here to get you an account." He turned off the engine.

"What? No..." she scoffed when Eros shot her a sharp stare. "Is not as if I will put money there anyway."

"Don't worry, money will come." Eros got out of the car and opened the door for Cassandra.

She stepped out, looking around the place. Eros stretched out his hand for her to take. She stared at his hand for a while without accepting it. "Eros, I don't want to take things from you when I am not contributing anything."

"I am not complaining, Cassie. Your presence in my life is enough contribution. Please, don't fight me on this. You need an account to get money when you are in school..."

"S... school? What school?" Cassandra stared at him with dilated eyes.

Eros grabbed her hand and started leading her toward the entrance. "I will enroll you into the best private institution to get your degree in dermatology. I am already working on that."

Cassandra snatched her hand from Eros. "Eros, why are you doing things without asking me? I am not a charity case, you know."

Eros sighed in frustration. "Cassie, I didn't say you are a charity case; you are my woman, and I need to take care of you..."

"Your... your woman?"

"Of course, I am your boyfriend, and you are not allowed to look at any other man." Eros grabbed her hand again. "Now, let's go."

Cassandra scoffed. "We are definitely talking about this. I can't entirely agree with any of this." He was possessive as if she had no say in her own life. Now, he was claiming her as his girlfriend even though they had not talked about it.

They walked past the security men by the door and entered the banking hall. Eros looked at her. "Why? You don't find me attractive?" He asked with a smirk.

"Eros, I'm not even joking."

Eros stopped and turned to look at her. "Cassandra, can you stop being stubborn? I have good intentions toward you."

Cassandra knew that he had good intentions, but she didn't just like everything about her revolving around Eros. She didn't want to owe everything to him and didn't just want to receive from him and not give back. She sighed, but Eros placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look up at him, his grey eyes stared into hers assuredly.

"Cassie, listen, you are not a charity case, alright? I can never see you as that. I don't need you to pay me back for whatever I do for you. It's from my heart, please let me do this."

"Okay, but next time, you have to tell me first, and if I don't want it, you don't have to do it and force me to accept." Arguing with him was pointless. They will talk about it whenever they are alone and not in a hurry to do something.

"Except it's a surprise," Eros said and smirked. His smirk has a way of melting her heart. She smiled back at him. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?"

"I guess you did that now." Eros kissed her forehead.

"Mr. Castillo?" They turned to see a young blonde dressed in a purple button-up shirt and a black pencil skirt. Her smile was bright.


"The manager will see you now." The girl said, casting a furtive glance at Cassandra and gesturing for them to follow her.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now