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 Eros flipped the whore over and was about to enter her when his phone rang. He glanced at the nightstand, and although he couldn't see the name on the screen clearly, he kept looking at the phone as it vibrated on the oak wood. He ignored it and plunged into the woman, who moaned with pleasure, but he was losing concentration because the phone wouldn't stop ringing. He grunted and pulled out of the horny woman. The interruption turned him off already, and his shaft became flaccid immediately. He reached for the phone, rolled over, and laid on his back. It was Javier, his friend, and his business partner.

     "Can you explain why you chose to call me by this time of the day?" he asked once he answered the call.

     "Eros, the deal is done. I talked with the investors from Kuwait," Javier's bubbly voice sounded over the phone.

The whore climbed Eros' body, looking at his shaft, still sealed with a condom. He ignored the woman because the topic Javier was talking about was a very interesting one.

     "What?" he asked as the whore took up his flaccid cock and started to stroke it.

     "I am putting Carlos on the line now," Javier said, and without letting Eros say a word, he put him on hold and added Carlos to the call.

 The whore peeled off the condom from his cock and stroked it gently, which sent a surge through Eros' veins again. As the woman covered her mouth over his length, he let out a low hum. The third man came onto the call.

     "What's up, guys?" Carlos asked drowsily.

     "I was just telling Eros that we have been able to pull off the Kuwait deal," Javier explained again.

Carlos would have sighed and said it was none of his business, but even Eros' friends were scared of him, and even if he laughed and appeared lenient with them, he expected them to be happy for every of his success and sad when he was downcast. He had once punished a friend because he refused to make his business his as well.

     "What of Pedro?" Eros asked, trying to make his voice as firm as possible while the head of the whore bobbled up and down his shaft like it was her sacred duty.

     "He went on vacation with Vicky," Javier said. "I wouldn't want to disturb them."

     "Yes...ah..." Eros moaned.

     "Pardon?" Carlos asked.

     "Mmm, don't worry...Javier, say what you called us for...ahh..."

     "They agreed to invest in our business, and the good news is this: they will be coming down tomorrow to seal the deal."

     "This calls for celebration," Carlos said, his voice now clear.

The woman took her mouth away from Eros' shaft, which was now hard and massive, and swallowed the excess water in her mouth. Seeing that her client was enjoying the pleasure she gave him, she moved up and sat on him, pushing his shaft into her hole, and began to ride him.

     "Y... Yes," Eros purred.

     "Eros, did you just say something?" Javier asked.

     "I said...damn...it calls for a f*ck! Celebration!"

There was silence at the other two ends of the lines for a while before Javier spoke again.

    "Are you sure you are alright? Is there something..."

He was interrupted by the moaning of the woman Eros' was having sex with from the background.

     "Wait, Eros, don't tell me you are banging a woman this early?" Javier asked, a bit of amusement in his voice.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now