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    Cassandra went into the restroom to freshen up and mellow down before Eros came looking for her. She would let him handle things his way, and if he failed, she would take it into her hands. She couldn't believe Eros Castillo was scared of anyone. She thought he was the most powerful man in the mafia or had she and everyone else overrated him?

Two ladies walked into the restroom as she stood staring into the mirror. She wouldn't have noticed them if one of them had not snorted. When she turned, she found them eyeing her and muttering inaudible things to themselves, and she smiled inwardly. It was funny, making enemies with people you have never even spoken to before because they thought you had something they couldn't have. What the ladies didn't know was that she would gladly trade places with them right now. They were free and did whatever they wanted to; they were free to go wherever they wanted to without being watched, they could decide to stay home and not leave their houses, and no one would make a big deal about it.

That was the difference between them. They were free birds; she was a captive. One who needed to play a perfect game to keep her life and was at risk of losing her love and her life if anything went wrong. She ignored the ladies as they cast hateful stares at her, speaking in low tunes.

"She is just another pawn he will get tired of," one of them remarked as they walked away.

She wished Eros could get tired of her and discard her to the corner instead of picking so much interest in her. Why was fate so cruel to her? Out of a hundred girls Eros held captive, why did he choose to pick interest in her? She had done nothing but showed him how much she hated him. Why was he just in her life?

The restroom door opened, and a man walked into the place. She caught wind of him from the corners of her eyes and turned to tell him that the restroom was not for men but froze when she saw who it was. He had a cocky grin on his face, and she wished she could smark him so hard to wipe that grin away from his face. It was the man from earlier, who had almost ripped her dress off her body with his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, trying so hard to keep her voice firm while weighing the possibility of all the bad things he could do to her right there. Where was Eros?

"I came to get you, carino," Marco said, moving closer to her and moving his jacket, revealing the gun attached to his waist.

Cassandra's butt was pressed to the slab now, and there was no escaping from him. What does he want? He moved closer to her, reached for her face, and stroked her temple, pushing back an errant strand away from her face. Cassandra cringed at his touch and had to hold herself from doing anything. She tried to feel oblivious to his touch, it only made her skin crawl, but he was holding a gun.

"I want you," he whispered as if he had read her mind. "Eros has given you away already, and it would be so nice if you behaved and let me take care of you."

It didn't surprise her that Eros sold her away, but it still hurt. How was she going to see Apollo again? How was she going to escape from this scumbag of a man? Marco leaned closer to her, he reeked of wine and cigar, and she had to cease breathing so she won't throw up on his blotchy face.

"He gave you up for $8 million; that's what you are worth to him. I must confess you must be a bit useful to him. I have never bought any girl this expensive from him before."

Cassandra fought the urge to give him a dirty slap. He disgusts her; she might have to kill him before he even takes her home. She felt betrayed by Eros. What was she thinking trusting him? He was a mafia, a cheat, and this was his business. Why was she feeling betrayed? They had agreed to something; they had decided to play this game together. Why did he back out now? Tears were threatening to pour, but she held them in; she would never show her weakness in front of men who wanted to see it.

"Now, tell me what you did to him, carino." Marco was leaning on her, so his lips were on her ear. "The Eros I know never holds fast to a woman like this? I promise to treat you better." He was rubbing his crotch on her now.

"Get off me," she said slowly.

"I will do whatever you need. I will be ten times better than Eros, in bed and out of it, don't mind my age..."

The door of the restroom flew open, and Eros came bursting in through it.

"Bastard," she heard Eros snare.

Relief washed over her when Eros yanked the goddamn man away from her. She slid to the floor, sobbing, while Eros practiced his punching skills on the man's face. Eros was younger than Marco and probably more robust. He didn't give Marco a chance to breathe or get himself as he continued rendering him with blows.

He yanked the man up with his collar and pushed him out of the restroom, he crashed into the door and fell out into the VIP room. Everyone in the room went still, staring at the squirming man on the floor. Eros came after him, not minding that Marco's men had drawn their guns now, aiming them at him. Bully, Javier, and the two other men Eros had come with aimed their guns at their opponents too. Cassandra stood by the door, shocked to see guns drawn and aiming.

Marco finally got himself and managed to stand up. He still had a stupid smirk on his bloody face as he wiped his mouth with his thumb.

"Is this the best you can do, Eros Castillo? What would your father think of you when he finds out you are beating up your ally for a bloody bitch? Is this what you have been reduced to? A sick puppy?!"

"One more word from you, and I will knock the life out of you, I swear," Eros spat breathlessly.

Cassandra knew Marco wanted to get a reaction from Eros, but Eros was too hot-headed to get the hint and stay out of that trouble, he would rather walk into it and trash it out, and that was precisely what he did when Marco spoke again. He lunged at the man, pushing him with his weight, and they both crashed on a table, making the bottles and wine glasses topple over. The women sitting around the table shrieked and fled. Eros ensured he battered Marco's face until Javier dragged him away from the man. But Eros was having none of it, his eyes were already covered with blood, and the only thing that could calm him was if Marco stopped breathing.

He took out his gun immediately, corked it, and aimed at Marco, who was now sprawled on the floor. Cassandra rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him.


His heart stopped for a while as he stood there with the gun in his hand, his fingers quivering over the trigger. He wasn't the only one taken by surprise. The whole room went silent as everyone watched what would happen next. Then his heart started thumping again, fast, faster, and her hold tightened on him.

"Please," she said again; her voice was firm this time.

It was as if chilled water was poured over him; the blinding rage that had seethed in him slowly dissipated, and he saw his hand going down from aiming at Marco, who was now sitting up and was quite surprised himself.

"Please, leave," Cassandra said, pulling away from him. His eyes left Marco and rested on Cassandra. "Now, Eros." She was staring him straight in the eyes.

Eros stared at her for a while, contemplating if he should obey her. Cassandra turned to Marco.

"No more guns, tell your men to bring down their guns."


"Eros, leave here, now!" Cassandra snapped. Javier walked up to Eros and held his shoulder, leading him out of the room.

Cassandra was left with Bully and the other men. She glared at Marco, and he grinned at her, revealing his bloody teeth.

"You saved my life, carino, and I owe you one."

"Go fuck yourself," Cassandra said, leaving the room too. "I am not an asset that can be bought."

"I see why Eros is not willing to let go, you are feisty, and it's so damn sexy!" Marco called after her as she went down the stairs.

Bully, and the other men followed suit. Bully gave Marco a death stare as he passed. Marco might be Eros' ally, but Bully's look was too rugged not to affect him. He started to chuckle as Cassandra, and Eros' men left the room.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now