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      "Dad" Cassandra called. Her father was seated at a table with Javier. Orion stood up from the seat, looking at his daughter with surprise and a bittersweet smile. "Dad," Cassandra called again with tears in her eyes and flew into his arms. Her father held her tightly.

"Oh, my precious, you are alive," her father whispered against her ears.

"Dad, thank you for being alive," Cassandra sobbed.

'No, thank you for being alive," her father said.

Cassandra pulled away from her father and turned to Eros who was watching them with a smile. She flew into his arms, it even surprised Eros. She held him tightly. Slowly his arms wrapped around her, and he felt a warmth inside that hadn't been there an instant earlier. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had hugged him like this. He has been with a lot of women but Cassandra was his first in many ways, the first woman to make his heart flutter, the first woman he wanted to see smiling because of him, the first woman he wanted to protect despite his grudge against women, the first woman his body melted at her touch. Maybe, he was in more trouble than he thought because when the mere sight of her smile send heat through him that no furnace could match, he was fucking too vulnerable.

"Thank you, thank you," she said with tears.

For the first time in years, Eros felt tears tug at his eyes. Was he capable of making someone this happy? It was a whole different feeling for him. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes with tears-filled eyes and the sweetest smile. She chuckled and turned to hug her father again. Eros felt a hand on his shoulder, when he turned, he saw Javier with a smirk on his face. Javier tilted his head toward the entrance.

"Let's give the father and daughter some alone time." Eros frowned. He didn't want to let Cassandra out of his sight, but Javier nodded. "Come on, let's give them time to catch up."

Eros went over to Cassandra who beamed at him, his heart stopped for an instant and started thumping against her, fast, faster. He had never seen her this ecstatic before, and her reaction caught him off guard. He just stood there staring at her as she smiled at him. He stared until Javier tapped him on the shoulder again. He caught himself.

"I will meet you in a few minutes, you have to be quick," he said to Cassandra.

A little frown clouded Cassandra's face. "Eros, a day is not enough to spend with my father."

Javier leaned in and whispered in his ear. "What are you doing? Let her be with her dad as long as she wants, you can't give her time."

"Oh, I will see you...later."

"I will see you too," Cassandra said and started to wave at him.

He got lost again staring at her. Javier grabbed his hand and started dragging him away, he didn't tear his eyes away from Cassandra until they were out of sight.

Cassandra turned to his father who was seated now and was watching her with concern. She sat opposite him.

"Cassie, what's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing, I am fine," she said excitedly and flagged down a waitress. "We would like two glasses of cosmopolitan cocktail, thank you." She found her father watching her. "What?"

"Cassie, are you okay?"

"Papa, I'm fine."

"You and Eros Castillo— what was that?" Her father shut his eyes and shook his head as if he was in pain. "I guess I shouldn't start with that. Have you been well, my dear?" Cassandra nodded with tears pooling in her eyes again. "I am so sorry for putting you through all that. Did he touch you? Did he wound you?" Her father grabbed her hand checking for marks.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now