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       Eros helped Cassandra out of the car, kissing the back of her palm as she took his hand. Some people were loitering outside, mostly bodyguards and security and a few bouncers who bowed their heads as Eros and Cassandra walked past them. The room was crawling with people of different calibre and classes. It was brightly lit with live piano music in the background, champagne, and appetisers served by waiters on trays.

Everyone was busy chattering with one person or the other, but heads turned when Eros and Cassandra walked into the place. This was the first time Eros brought a woman to such an event, so everyone wanted to get a good look at Cassandra and know whose daughter she was. The girls in the room glared in disbelief as he walked with his fingers interlaced with Cassandra. The attention made Cassandra nervous, and when Eros noticed, he squeezed her hand.

Cassandra really felt out of place in the room. This was not the kind of gathering she was used to, the calibre of people there was way out of her league, and she walked timidly behind Eros, trying not to make eye contact. When Eros squeezed her hand, she looked up at him, and he smiled back at her.

"They got nothing on you, Cassie," he assured her, bringing a smile to Cassandra's face. They walked towards the elevator leading to the meeting room, where they would meet with the shareholders and business partners. Two security men in black suits nodded as Eros walked up, he scanned his card, and before he went in, he turned to them.

"Be on the alert and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes, boss," they chorused.

Before entering the elevator, Cassandra caught sight of Dimitra from her peripheral vision. When she turned, she saw Dimitra glaring at her. Something in her eyes set Cassandra on edge; she could swear she saw her smirk, and it had an unsettling feeling on Cassandra. Eros led her into the board room, where different sophisticated men and women sat around a large table with water bottles in front of them. She saw Javier in a corner, smiling at them. Eros led her toward the seats in front of the table and pulled out a seat beside him for her.

"Now, gentlemen, shall we begin?" Eros asked with a smile, scanning the table. A man shared a piece of paper around the table. Eros leaned closer to Cassandra and whispered, "Don't get too bored, tesoro, we need to address this, and then we can have fun for the rest of the night."

Cassandra looked at him and smiled. His voice sent chills down her body, and the memories of how he had eaten her out earlier came to her mind, she smiled devilishly, a crazy idea running into her head. Eros had left her yearning for more earlier, he aroused her, and she wanted him more; it wasn't just desire anymore but she wanted him to be with her, she wanted him as the man in her life, she wanted him physically, emotionally, and otherwise. She hated the control he had over her, but she loved it at the same time.

As she watched him speak to the men around the table, she became more aroused by how he did it perfectly. He tortured her earlier, and it was time to get her revenge. She was crazy, but she liked it. She pretended she was following the meeting when she didn't actually know what they were talking about. When her hand settled on his thighs, he stopped abruptly, spared her a glance, and turned to the men paying rapt attention to him. Cassandra smiled and moved her hand higher up his thighs, but he quickly stopped it, trapping it under his own.

She smirked and snatched her hand away from his. He kept talking to the men, but Cassandra quickly did what she wanted. She ran her fingers over the bulge in his pants and felt it twitch under her touch. She saw Eros going stiff from her touch, and she smiled again. He didn't try to stop her again as she caressed his bulge, making him lose concentration and skip words. When Javier started speaking, he leaned closer to her.

"Tesoro, what are you doing?" he whispered.

"Sex is sweeter when the risk is higher, don't you think?"

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now