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    He let the gun clatter to the floor, picked up his shirt, and started to button up Cassandra was sobbing silently now. She watched him as his back was to hers, thinking of any possible way to hurt him again and she started to remove her finger from the rope he used to bind her, while her eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other. She would make sure she killed him first, then she would kill herself.

  There was nothing in the room except for the revolver now on the floor and the only bullet in it had been discharged. It has shaken her out of her mind that if Dimitra didn't come in when she did, her brain would have been spilled over the wall behind her. She finally released her hand from the rope and still kept it behind her, watching Eros as he dressed up.

He turned to look at her and she lowered her gaze. Not because she was scared of him, but because she was scared that what she had in mind would show in her eyes.

  "I am not done with you," Eros said and turned to leave.

Neither am I, son-of-a-bitch. She thought and shot up from the seat and onto his back, holding his neck with the rope, trying to strangle him. But Eros was stronger. He was surprised at first and was taken unawares, but he recovered quickly and flipped her over his head, making her land on the ground on her back.

    He kicked her face and blood spluttered out of her mouth as she cried out in pain. He was in a fit of rage now and she was certain he was going to kill her this time.

Her mind became divided once again. One part of her blamed her for taking such a reckless action while the other part egged her on. She did what she had to do, only that she didn't succeed. At least, before she dies, she would make sure Eros Castillo feels the hatred radiating from her.

  More kicks followed and they landed on her stomach. He kicked her until her eyes were covered in blood. Her cries didn't soften his heart, he kicked her to his satisfaction then grabbed her hair and yanked her up from the ground. He held her in place so that her face was looking at his. Her lips were broken and her left eye has a shiner around it. Her pupils couldn't even concentrate on him anymore.

  "You dare lay your hands on me again." He growled more than he spoke.

She could see the rage in his eyes, she could feel him boiling.

"I will make sure I end you and I will end everyone that is associated with you."

    She knew he wasn't bluffing. He was capable of doing whatever he says and the innocent people associated with her didn't deserve to die because of her. Lucia has done nothing wrong to deserve death, and Apollo and his family did nothing wrong to deserve death.

He shoved her to the wall, circled his hand around her neck, pinning her to the wall, as well as choking the life out of her. Now, her softer and rational part was winning. Why had she done such a stupid thing? What has she done?

  Eros' eyes were dark with fury and there was no emotion in them. Breath was leaving her quickly and all she did was scratch his hand, but he was not bulging. It was as if a different spirit has taken over him.

  "Ple...please... Plea..." she spluttered. She wasn't going to let him eliminate others because of her.

  It was just like ice water was poured on him, his hand loosen around her neck and he slowly removed it from her neck, his eyes softened, but the frown was still on his face. She slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, holding her neck and coughing out blood.

He took a few steps away from her and left her there on the floor, crunched up. He quickly left the room and she heard the click of the door.

  He locked her up, he was not done with her.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now