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   It was over a week since Eros and Cassandra got back together. Things moved smoothly, and they were happy. Eros was a sweet man, and as days passed, Cassandra realized the young man was loved-starved. He just needed someone to love him, and she showed him as much love and care as she could. His childhood story wasn't completed yet, but she knew most parts of why he was the way he was and was determined to help him overcome that trauma. Eros managed to convince her to go to the private college he found. It was a few minutes drive from the mansion. She was thrilled by it; her dreams were finally coming true.

Her father was still in the hospital. He was recovering well, but the doctor recommended bedrest, and Eros decided he stayed in the hospital and had all his needs taken care of. She knew her father was not optimistic about Eros, and she understood him. Still, she was so in love with the mafia man and was ready to prove to her father that Eros was a good man and, beyond his gruff exterior, lay a vulnerable and sweet person.

After the Marco incident and after Eros heard from his men about the mysterious woman who had chased Cassandra in the alley, Eros never lets Cassandra leave the house without him or a bodyguard. She didn't like to be followed around like that, but she had to yield for her safety. Bully was her favorite bodyguard. They were like best friends and talked about things most of the time.


She decided to make breakfast before leaving for school. It would be a long day, so she woke very early. Eros was still in bed, and she wore one of his shirts to feel him around her while she cooked. She was getting clingy herself. Eros was gradually becoming her sweet addiction.

Eros walked into the kitchen and watched Cassandra as she danced around the cooker, humming a tune to herself, completely oblivious of his presence. She was a perfect picture in his shirt that looked better on her than it would ever be on him, although it was oversized. Her rich dark curls were tied in a messy updo, giving out a sexy aura. His heart swelled with joy and pride. He was lucky to have her, his beautiful addiction. He had never been this happy owning anything in his life and would give the world to be by her side forever.

He has never considered forever with anyone. Marriage was not in his dictionary, but with Cassandra, he wanted to stay by her side forever. He wanted to wake beside her every morning and go to bed at night beside her. He walked up to her and snaked his arms around her from behind, pulling her delicate frame into him. Cassandra was a little startled but relaxed. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, sniffing her hair with the sweetest smell of vanilla; nothing had smelled better.

"Did you have to sneak up on me like that?" Cassie asked, placing her hands on his sturdy arms wrapped around her. Eros nibbled her earlobe and moved down to her neck. She burst into a fit of giggles as he nibbled on her neck. "You are tickling me."

"You left me all alone in bed," he mumbled against her neck.

"I came to make breakfast. Wait, are you whining right now?"

"Of course," Eros whined.

"You are such a big baby boy," Cassandra turned to face him with a sweet smile.

He tucked an errant hair behind her ears and looked into her eyes. "I'm glad to be your baby boy." Cassandra snaked her arms around his waist.

"I'm proud to have you too." Eros cupped her cheek with one palm, leaned down, and kissed her deeply. Cassandra went all watery knees and misty thoughts. He had a way of making that meeting of lips into a long slow shimmer, a kindling rather than an explosion. "Aw, that made me so wet," she said in a sultry voice and a sexier smile.

"Damn, Cassie, if you keep up with this, I will fuck you in the kitchen," he said with a smirk.

"I bet that would be hotter than the breakfast on fire." She grabbed his butt and squeezed gently.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now