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       Cassandra watched the woman as she placed the plates on the table. Her right arm had been hung and her left hand was useless. The old woman had not spoken to her after the discussion they had about her daughter. Cassandra was sorry and wished her hand was in perfect condition to help the woman out, aside from that, she needed to know what happened to the woman's daughter. The old woman beckoned her when she was done setting the table and she eased out of bed, careful enough not to upset her injury. When her legs touched the ground, her knees quivered and she held the bed with her free hand, to steady herself until the blood had circulated her whole legs. She slowly walked up to the table where the old woman was seated and took the seat opposite.

The woman didn't say anything to her, Cassandra closed her eyes and said her prayers. After blessing the food, she picked up the spoon and tried to scoop the food. Then she looked up at the old woman and sighed heavily.

"Look, I am sorry."

"Sorry for what exactly?" asked the woman who was focused on her food and not looking at her.

"For everything, for your daughter, for not trying to understand you first."

"There is nothing to understand about me."

Cassandra dropped her spoon. "It's just that I am frustrated out of my mind. I shouldn't be here. I have a life, I was about to get married."

"You know, other girls cower and cry when they get here, like, they let themselves become slaves."

Cassandra nodded and looked down at her food. "I am not other girls..."

"That is why I like you. I wish every woman would possess this fiery spirit, the need to stand up and fight for themselves, even if they don't see themselves winning, at least try."

"I just want to kill him, I swear I will if I have the opportunity. All I want right now is to wrap my fingers around his neck and press until I feel the breath leaving him, for all those cruel things he had done to women," Cassandra said through clenched teeth and demonstrated with her free hand.

The old woman guffawed, her laughter resonated through the room and it brought a smile to Cassandra's face. She was happy she was on that track with the old woman. The old woman's laughter subsided after a while, Cassandra kept scooping food into her mouth and smiling.

"You needed to see your face while saying that. By the way, why do you hate him so much?"

Cassandra chewed fast so that she could answer the woman. "Who doesn't? I mean, how can someone be so ruthless? He killed my dad for starters."

"What if he is only damaged?" the old woman was serious again.

Cassandra stared at her. "Damaged?" She dropped her spoon. "He could choose to be the opposite of what he went through or whatever. He has no excuse for being an asshole...and could you stop defending him, he killed your daughter, that should always be in her heart," Cassandra said pointing to her chest.

A smile crept into the old woman's face again. "I like you already, I am Adella Monero, it's nice to meet you." The old woman stretched out her hand.

Cassandra thought the woman was strange, something was off about the woman, but she brushed it away and took the woman's hand. "Cassandra Lopez, call me Cassie."

"Cassie, eat your food, you've been starving for days now..." Adella's words trailed off and her eyes darted toward the door, she held up her hand in front of Cassandra, stopping her from making further noise. Cassandra's eyes followed her.

At first, Cassandra didn't hear anything, she didn't know why the woman suddenly reacted like that but straining her ears, she could hear the pounding footsteps, coming up the stairs. Without being told, she knew it was him, her worst nightmare.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now