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  It had been a week since Eros' proposal, and he was so elated. He never failed to tell anyone who cared to listen that he was engaged and never failed to present Cassandra to them, even though Cassandra warned him against it, he was just so happy and in love to listen. His proposal stirred mixed reactions in the mafia world, especially among the girls. They did not believe Eros could settle down with a woman, especially not a woman like Cassandra.

Eros and Cassandra fixed their wedding date and were preparing for it together. Cassandra's father had been discharged from the hospital and Cassandra knew he was not a huge fan of Eros, but she needed his blessings, so Eros had decided to visit him and tell him about their plans, although they doubted, he had not heard yet. The news of their engagement spread like a wide fire.

"Are you nervous?" Cassandra asked him while making his tie. He wore a dark, tailored tuxedo that looked nice on him.

"Shouldn't I be?" he replied.

Cassandra smiled. It was funny how this big, bad mafia man who had breathed fire down her father's neck a few months ago was as scared as a cat. Speaking of cats, she has not seen Sandy since they woke up that morning. The pretty girl might be somewhere having her beauty sleep.

"My father does not bite."

"I know, but— what if he rejects me?"

"You beat the shit out of him. Who is the mafia lord here?" Cassandra teased.

Eros smirked. "You witch. He is my boss today and I am so nervous to think straight." Even the police raid has never made him feel this nervous before. His hands were trembling, and he tried to control them, but it was a reflex.

"What exactly are you scared of? Rejection or what?"

"I am not scared of being disapproved by your father, I am scared of not spending the rest of my life with you and also, I do not want you to have to choose between me and him if he refused to bless us."

Cassandra stared at him with a smile on her face, then she reached and stroked his cheeks. "That is so thoughtful of you. But we will be positive about this, trust me it will end fine."

Eros nodded, looking reassured. Cassandra folded his collar and reached onto her tiptoes to plant a kiss on the lips, but Eros grabbed her waist, pressing her body against his, and kissed her so passionately. She giggled when he released her.

He took her hand and placed it on his growing erection. "Look what you did to me, tesoro."

"My hands are clean; you did that to yourself. I only leaned in for a harmless kiss," Cassandra defended and tried to walk off, but he grabbed her by her wrist and drew her to him, she hit his chest, and he looked down at her with fondness.

"What do you say, we have a quickie before we leave?"

Cassandra pushed away. "Get behind me, Satan. We have a lot planned out today and a quickie is not one of them." She grabbed his hand and started dragging him out of the room.

"It would have helped my nervousness," he mumbled but loud enough for her to hear."

"What about a hand job while we drive?" Cassandra asked.

"Do you want to kill us both, tesoro? You know what your touch does to me."

Cassandra's cheeks blushed red, and she dragged him out of the room without saying anything.

They arrived at Cassandra's father's house after an hour's drive. Eros turned off the engine and inhaled deeply, resting his head on the headrest. Cassandra looked at him for a while.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now