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   Apollo was seated on a chair, his head dipped on the headrest, his eyes closed, and a woman between his thighs. His eyes flared open when he heard the noise from the door and the blood drained out of his face when he saw Cassandra standing there. The girl that was giving him a blow job turned and scowled at Cassandra, but Apollo pushed her off and stood.

     Cassandra felt like her legs were glued to the ground. She fought to look as neutral as possible just to hide that they had anything going on.

     "I'm... I'm sorry... I came to... I will just come back later." She spun to leave but Apollo caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

     "Cassandra, wait."

Cassandra looked at the girl who was staring at them in confusion and disgust, her arms folded across her chest. Apollo turned to the girl.

     "Leave now."


      "Leave!" Apollo yelled.

     "Are you fucking the same woman with Eros?" the girl scoffed.

       "This is not what it looks like. I...I came here to get my you seen it anywhere?" Cassandra was trying so hard to control the tears that were threatening to pour.

     The girl sighed and stormed out of the room, leaving them alone.

     "Let go of me," Cassandra said slowly, trying hard to keep her voice firm.

      "Cassie, I can explain..."

       "You can? I walked in on you getting a blowjob from a woman and you say you can explain?"

     "At least I wasn't fucking her," Apollo defended.

       "Excuse me? What does that even mean?"

       "Cassie, you are being hypocritical right now. The whole mansion is talking about how you fucked Eros well enough to let him pardon you after slapping him. You don't have to come here blaming me for getting the tension off."

     "Jesus Christ, Apollo, even you too?" Cassandra fought the urge to give him a dirty slap, she folded her hands into fists. No matter what happened she shouldn't raise her hands at him. Tears stung her eyes.

     "Cassie, everyone knows..."

     "Damn you, Apollo! Damn you! You put me into this. I would have gladly endured that man's torture because I respect what we have. I respect you and I love you so much. I can't believe that you don't trust me even after all these years!" Hot tears were running down her cheeks now, she couldn't contain them anymore. "I took a damn bullet for deciding to remain chaste." She pushed his chest.  "Do you know how much of a temptation Eros Castillo is?! Aside from wanting me to succumb to him by torturing me, do you know how much sex appeal that man has?!"


     "But I stood my ground because I always had you at the back of my mind! It was always about us!"

      "Cassie, you are screaming and you might give us out."

      "You didn't think of that when you were shoving your dick into her mouth!"

     Apollo ran his fingers through his hair.  "I was frustrated, okay? I was horny and there are a lot of girls here and I kept hearing them fuck. I wanted you but you pushed me away..."

    Cassandra was really, fighting now not to raise her hands on him. "Pushed you away?! Apollo, you wanted to sleep with me without my consent! I am your fiancée for crying out loud and all you had to do was ask me. When you found out about my virginity, you were the one that said I should keep it and I have kept it even to the detriment of my life! You believe I fucked Eros? You want me to prove that I am still pure?!"

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now