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  "Fuck!" Eros cussed for the hundredth time, biting back tears as he paced up and down the hallway. His whole shirt was drenched in Cassandra's blood, but he cares less. Javier, Pedro and Vikky stood behind him silently. "How did I let this happen? I swear, I will kill that bastard!"

"Eros, you have to calm down," Javier said.

Eros turned sharply to look at him. "Calm down, you say? Cassie is in there fighting for her life, and you say I should calm down?"

"What do you plan to do? Breathe life into her or something? Cassie needs you now. She wouldn't want you to be like this. We must be calm and think about the next step."

Eros' eyes were red and glassy. "It's all my fault," his voice broke with emotions. "I should have protected her."

Javier walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Eros, listen to me. This is not the time to apportion blame or linger on emotions. This is the time to think and act fast."

Eros knew he was right. He needed to pull himself together and find out who did that to Cassandra. But he felt like he was losing his breath faster. He felt like dropping to his knees and crying. He was losing control of his emotions. At that moment, he didn't care about his status or identity. Cassandra was more important than all of that. He was also restless and wanted to be assured that Cassandra was alive. Seeing so much blood had never terrified him this much, and he had never been scared of someone dying before. Cassandra had lost a lot of blood, which frightened him so much.

His hands were bloody, his clothes were drenched, and the metallic smell of blood reminded him of her current state, which wasn't good. He sat on the bench by the hallway and buried his face in his hands. He had told her he loved her barely an hour ago, and now she was in an emergency room fighting for her dear life. He didn't know if he believed in God, but at that moment, he said a sincere prayer to God or whatever was listening to him to keep Cassandra alive.

He couldn't stop blaming himself for what had happened to Cassandra. She was in danger because of him. He had put her in harm's way and had been careless enough to let this happen. He was a mafia and had so many enemies who would glory in seeing his downfall, and he knew his weakest link was Cassandra. He should have done better. He didn't hold back the tears anymore and wiped them as they soaked his eyes.

"Eros, we will find whoever did this to Cassie. I promise you, those bastards will pay," Javier consoled.

"She will be alright," Vikky assured him and looked up at Pedro, who rubbed her arm.

The emergency door flew open, and Eros bolted from the seat, rushing to the doctor. The doctor gave them a confused look.

"Who is her family?"

"I am... I am her fiance," Eros said, trying to keep his voice firm.

"Alright. We were able to help her. Thankfully, she wasn't stabbed in her vitals, but she lost a lot of blood; we could stop the bleeding, but she needs some blood."

Eros almost collapsed with relief as the doctor finished giving his report. Javier squeezed his shoulder and smiled at him. "Do anything you have to do to make her fine."

"I will contact my team and order a transfusion then. She is fine,"

"Can I see her now?"

"Sure," the doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you, doctor."

Bully appeared as the doctor walked away. "Boss, you have to see this. Something we found on the security camera." Eros stared at him without saying anything.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now