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      The car pulled up in front of the building and Leo, Eros' assistant quickly went over to the back door and opened it for Eros, he stepped out and stood tall while Leo went over to the other side and opened the door for Dimitra. Eros waited for her to come to him, then he arched his elbow and she slid her hand in. They walked hand in hand to the entrance of the tall building that had about eight-four floors. Two security men opened the door for them and bowed slightly as they walked into the reception.

They were going to meet up with his business partners for a new project that requires a couple to handle. Eros didn't bring women to his business, and he had never thought of settling down, but the project at hand needed a married man or at least a committed man, he would have rejected the offer if it wasn't for the amount involved and the relationship he has with the clients. He didn't have anyone to go with, so he called up Dimitra since she was the only woman, he had close contact with and in a few minutes, she was in his house. Eros has never considered marriage; he has never given it a thought and the thought of pretending to be committed to any woman made his skin crawl. It was infuriating to him how excited Dimitra was all around him, this was going to be his first public appearance with her as a couple and he could barely hold himself from shoving her away from him. The media was going to be filled with those useless dating rumor speculations by tomorrow. Next time Javier sets him up for this kind of thing, he was going to make sure he did it himself.

She was dressed in a lacy black dress that was opened up to the small of her back, her long dark hair was tied up in a ponytail, her makeup was mild but nice and her diamond jewelry glittered in the light. Eros wore a black tailored suit, that showed all his sexiness, and his hair was styled nicely. He really looked like a god that night and he dragged the attention of people, both men, and women alike wherever he went, and Dimitra felt so thrilled to be walking with him. They were led to the elevator by a smart-looking girl in fitted corporate wear and Dimitra glared at her when she flashed Eros a beautiful smile.

Dimitra was standing right next to him, but his mind was somewhere else. His mind was on that dream he had last night. It was so real and thinking of it still sent a kind of rush up his body and he only wished it wasn't all a dream. Why was she in his dreams? Why was he even wasting time thinking of her? But he couldn't just stop thinking about her, especially after that dream. He had tried shoving thoughts of her body to the back of his mind, but the thought still had a way of wandering back and becoming the only thing he was thinking of, and he kept wondering what it would feel like for her hands to run through his bare skin and nearly rouse at the thought of that.

He knew he was lusting after her and nothing more, she had a great body and a pretty face, but it scared him that she was occupying too much of his mind. He has never gone to lengths to get a woman before, they just kept coming, and he had never wanted something so badly like that before. Something so close to him, but yet unreachable. He had sworn to bend her to obedience, but she was bending him instead, she was haunting his memory and he was craving her more and more. Maybe he was not punishing her enough to make her do what he wanted her to do. What else could he do?

"Eros? Eros..."

He blinked and refocused on Dimitra who was now standing in front of him, giving him a quizzical look. They had arrived at the roof which had a luxury restaurant and the place where the meeting was to be held. The elevator door has opened since but Eros was too lost in his thought about Cassandra that he didn't notice. Dimitra stretched out her hand for him to take, he eyed her outstretched hand, ignored her, and walked down the hallway, leading to the restaurant. Dimitra huffed and followed behind.

"If you keep up with this nonchalant attitude of yours, they will know we aren't real. Did you call me here to humiliate me?"

As much as he hated to admit it, she was right and he was fucked up, felt trapped, and uninterested. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to his side. She smiled and looked at him from under her lashes.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now