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    It was a week now since Cassandra left Eros' mansion. She took up a waitress job at a restaurant and was working eagerly to meet up with the debt. She was happy to be out of the mansion, but when she was home alone, in her room, with her own thoughts, she thought about Eros so much, and it hurt her so much. She visited Apollo's parents once and discovered he had not come home. She explained everything that had happened to them, and they apologized. She was grateful that Eros was a changing man; if not, Apollo's parents would have been paying for his sins.

Her father was very supportive of her. He was glad she left Eros, even though Cassandra refused to tell him what went wrong. She didn't like talking about it and wasn't sure she wanted to continue with Eros. He has done horrible things, and she didn't know if she wanted to return to his world. She looked up Elena's case on the internet; the girl was brutally murdered, stabbed severally in the stomach, and slit in the neck. She was even beaten before she was killed. She didn't want to believe Eros did that, but he could do it.

She was working with Mrs. Agatha, her late mother's best friend, who was very fond of her. The pay was meager, but she was happily working there. For a week, nothing happened; Eros didn't show up or try to reach her. She missed him and the friends she made in the mansion, Bully, Javier, and Grandma Adella, but she couldn't go back and see them without seeing Eros.

"Cassie, alguien esta aqui para verte," [Cassie, someone is here to see you] Mrs. Agatha said, coming into the kitchen.

Cassie's heart dropped to the floor. She quickly wiped her hands on the towel. Her heart kept pounding as she thought of who it was. It could be Eros, and she was looking like a mess. She quickly ran her hands through her messy hair to smoothen it, removed the apron, and straightened her clothes. Her heart kept hammering in her chest as she walked into the restaurant and scanned it, but there was no Eros or anybody she knew from the mansion. She turned to Mrs. Agatha, who was coming behind her.

"Who is looking for me?"

"Oh, he is outside."

She quickly ran out of the restaurant, and her heart dropped when she saw who it was. Her face scrunched up in a frown.


Apollo smiled at her, but she didn't smile back. "What? Were you expecting someone else?"

"What are you doing here?"

"What a question to ask your fiancé—"

"Don't flatter yourself, please. I don't have this time, so I will appreciate it if you leave here and never disturb my life again." Cassandra turned to leave, but Apollo grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him again.

"Why? Because of Eros? Cassie, he is a monster—"

"And you are a beast! Apollo, I can't believe you lied to me about my father. You told me he was dead when you knew how much I was suffering. Besides blaming Eros, I also blamed myself, thinking he would still be alive if I hadn't shown up."

"You needed something to keep hating him. I did everything for you."

"Including screwing my supposed best friend?"

"She came at me. I couldn't resist her, but I admitted my mistake. But you can't compare me to Eros; he has murdered people, he is a jerk, who treated you like trash, and he hit you."

"You hit me too."

"With a reason, Cassie. I hit you with a reason, but that devil hit you for no just cause."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now