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     Eros was restless and paced up and down his balcony, Cassandra was driving him crazy. Thoughts of her were imprinted deep in his memory, never had he seen anyone so adamant and strong-willed as she was. He was tired of tormenting her to bend her to his will. The torments don't seem to bend her, rather they seem to strengthen her the more and he was furious about it. He didn't know why he was so fascinated by her anyway. She was just like every other woman he had slept with, there were no differences in their cunts, but he still wanted her.

Maybe Javier was right, he should loosen up a little, she might come begging, but how would he loosen up to a mere woman? He bore a grudge against women, a grudge birthed by his mother, and these women keeps proving him right, maybe except Cassandra, she was a whole different specie of her own and she sure hit him like a meteorite. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and walked into his bedroom.

He shouldn't be wasting his time thinking about a woman, they were not worth occupying his mind, it was self-rule, and he wasn't ready to break it. He had them at his feet, at his beck and call, but why was he still frustrated by one woman? He went down to the kitchen; the cook was done preparing the meal and was setting the table for breakfast. He didn't even feel the urge to eat, his stomach was filled with frustration, and he needed something to burn down that thing that kept crawling in his stomach from thinking of Cassandra, so he went to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of scotch and sat alone to drink.

Javier sauntered into the kitchen seconds after he was seated and was downing a shot of scotch. He had a file tucked under his arm. Javier was all about business and he wasn't exactly feeling business-like this morning.

"Hey, pal," Javier greeted and sat on the stool beside him.

He had not seen Javier after the day he saw him and Bully, playing games with Cassandra. It infuriated him at first and he had accused them of making her feel at home and not seeing the need to obey his orders, but later that night, when he was rational and alone on his bed, he thought his anger originated more from how happy she was with other people— other men, even Bully that has the scariest face. She never laughs with him; all she does was glare at him with so much hatred in her eyes.

"You look distressed, is something bothering you?" Javier asked, shaking his head to refuse the shot Eros raised at him, inviting him to join him. "I need to be level-headed to be at work."

"Do I look like I'm bothered?" Eros asked. He could tell Javier how he felt, but he was not a man to appear weak and cry like a puppy. He still wanted to be in control, he won't have anyone see him as pathetic.

"Yes. Perhaps did the business go well last night?" Javier asked.

Yes. He had met with some clients over a business proposal that was supposed to be handled by a couple. He hoped they didn't see through his facade with Dimitra because he was sure he has been disgusted by the mere thought of them thinking Dimitra was his woman. He was a man for nobody.

"I hope it did, they said they will contact us."

Javier placed the file on the kitchen counter and pushed them over to Eros. "When you have the time go through this and sign, it's for the Miami project."

Eros eyes the paper but ignores it. He downed his drink in one long gulp and let it sting his throat before speaking again. "What makes a female want to come running to you?" He couldn't let the question stay in his chest any longer.

"Huh?" Javier didn't understand the question, so he arched his brows at Eros, but Eros growled and almost slammed the shot he drank with quon the counter.

"Okay, bye," he said, stood up from the stool, and started striding toward the door.

"Wait!" Javier called and he halted. "I didn't understand your question at first, but I can give you a useful tip."

Eros turned to him and didn't say anything he walked back to the stool and lowered himself on it. Javier had a knowing smile on his face.

"For starters. When you see a woman, don't just see her as a weak object of sex."

"But that's what they are, they are only there to satisfy our urges."

Javier shook his head. "That is what your father told you, why don't you make your findings?" Eros stared at him like he was speaking abomination with his mouth. "Chase a woman, Eros, when I say that, I mean don't try to dominate her or force her into obedience, show her the human part of you."

"Such things are a waste of my time. When you chase something, they only run away." His throat was aching for another drink.

"It only runs when you scare it."

"I am done having this conversation, I can't stoop so low to a woman, forget I asked the question."

Javier shrugs. "Suit yourself."

"Send for that woman locked away in the cell, she would join me for breakfast." He didn't want to speak her name, because speaking it made him feel he was getting on a personal level with her. He didn't expect Javier to ask him to chase a woman. Women were won by power, charm, and wealth; he had it all and could get any woman he wanted— except one, something in his head reminded him, except one right under his nose. He was so focused on the thought that he didn't know when his feet hit the rough wood of the dining seat. He cursed and grabbed his wounded leg with his arm, hopping around on one leg. He finally lowered himself to a dining seat and looked at his big toe, it was bleeding.


    I Apollo begged all night, but Cassandra didn't let him out until it was morning. She had the gun still wrapped around her fingers when Apollo walked out of the toilet with fallen shoulders, looking dejected. His face was remorseful.

"I'm sorry, Cassie, I was overwhelmed."

She eyed him and went back to her bed. It was getting boring lying on that bed doing nothing, only awaiting the master's call. At this point, she didn't mind scrubbing floors or cleaning walls, or washing dishes. She just needed something to keep her hands busy and her brains busier from thinking about that unholy man who was holding her hostage.

"You have to give me the gun, Cassie," Apollo whispers and she ignored him. "Eros might come in here anytime soon and if he sees you with a gun, what do you think he would think of me? Incapable. He would think me unworthy of guarding you and bring in someone more sinister. You won't like that for yourself."

Apollo always has a way of messing with her logic, and he was always so right about it. He has a way of talking her into doing things his way and because she loved him, she always yielded to it. Sometimes he snaps but it was once in a while and he always apologizes, besides she won't blame him that he snaps at her sometimes, because she was a stubborn lot and can frustrate anyone she was in contact with.

She sat up in bed and grabbed the gun, aiming it at Apollo. "I am only giving you this because you are cute and because you are my fiancé. He smiled at her, but the door burst open, and Bully stood there looking at the both of them.

"Panda!" Cassandra squealed and stood to her feet, but Apollo held her back. She wanted to yell at him to leave her alone, but she remembered it would be out of character. Apollo was supposed to be the brutal guard, so she remained still. She saw a smile that Bully didn't let spread to his whole face in his eyes, then he turned to look at Apollo.

"Don requests her presence right now." With that, he turned immediately and left without sparing her another glance.

Apollo's hands tightened on her arm. "Have you gone crazy or something? Is this how you throw yourself at men here?"


"Please, Cassandra, show me some respect. Even if you don't respect the fact that I am your guard, did you not deem it fit to respect my status in your life?"

Cassandra bit her lower lip to stop herself from saying the things that she wanted to say and 'I'm sorry' wasn't one of them because she wasn't sorry for being happy to see a person, she considers a friend. She has a feeling that the whole idea of Apollo joining the mafia just to save her was a bad idea. He was as jealous as a wolf and that was going to spread their secret in the sun.

He would have to watch Eros torment her by starving her again or by even rolling her in the mud this time. Would he be able to stomach it all? What of when he might play with her body just to arouse her? Would Apollo be able to stay calm? It was just going to blow up their cover and the whole world would catch fire with Eros' rage.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now