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Cassandra felt a jackhammer hitting her head, her head swayed from side to side and then her eyes flew open, but everything seemed so dark, and she wondered if she was still wallowing in unconsciousness. She whimpered and tried to shake her body. Someone removed the blindfold from her eyes, and it took a few seconds for her sight to register her surroundings. She was in a dimly lit room, on a bed and her legs were spread.

She tried to close them, but she couldn't, they were tied and hung on the bedpost. She tried to stand and only realized her hands were also hanging off cuffs from the bedpost. A man walked up in front of her bare chest; it took her a few seconds to realize he was Eros.

Her heart flew away. Why was he hanging her on the bed like that? Was he going to force himself on her? Has he already done that? She paid attention to her body to feel any pain or feel strange, but the only pain was in her head. She watched him as he moved closer to her and ran his finger down her temple. She hated the shivers his finger sent down her body. He wasn't supposed to affect her like that.

She closed her eyes in an attempt to blot out the memory of him standing there and touching her and tried so hard to focus her mind on Apollo, but it was so difficult getting Apollo's face when all she could smell was Eros. His fingers run down her temple to her cheek, then his thumb moved into her mouth.

How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was playing games with Panda and Javier. Then she felt his hot breath fan against her neck and his husky voice whispered in her ear. He was leaning close to her; she could feel the heat from his body.

"Watch me torture you tonight." He nibbled at her ear, and she almost felt her body spasm out of need. He slowly straightened up, and although her eyes were closed and she couldn't see his face, she felt him smirking at her.

This was why they called him a god.

For a while, she didn't feel anything. She had mistaken the torture he talked of as inflicting pain on her, and she readied her mind to endure it, but then, the bright lights come on and her eyes flared open with it.

Eros stood there stark naked in front of her. She yelped and quickly closed her eyes and tightened them.

"You are going to beg me to fill you soon," he said. "Open your eyes."

She didn't know why that command got her, but she quickly opened her eyes. Eros was seated on the sofa in the room now, the smile on his face, was that of satisfaction. She tried so hard not to look at his hardened shaft. He was too enticing, and she could feel her wetness slipping through her pants. She was scantily dressed in her silk bra and a thong, a red robe that had deserted her, falling beside her on either side of her body.

Eros made a whistling sound and the door to the room opened. A girl in a blue button-up shirt and a black skintight skirt came forward with a lopsided smile on her face, her heels clicked on the hard floor as she walked toward Eros.

"Tisha, turn on the music," Eros said, his gaze never leaving a confused Cassandra.

The girl obediently went over to the media player and turned it on, a slow music started playing and filled the room. Eros spread his arms on the headrest of the sofa.

"Now, suck me nice and clean until I come in your mouth."

The girl nodded and knelt before him, holding his length like it was sacred. Eros looked at Cassandra and smiled. That smile made something shift in her stomach, but she ignored it. Her whole body was becoming warm, and she could feel her pussy throbbing, but she kept a straight face like none of it was affecting her.

Tisha wrapped her mouth around the head of his cock and let out a moan. Eros gasped and threw his head backward, letting his eyes slide close and letting Cassandra's image form in his mind eyes. He didn't know what was wrong with him, he wanted to get her to beg him to have sex with her, but why was he the one almost begging to feel what she tastes like?

As Tisha bobbed her head up and down his shaft, he kept letting out soft moans as his mind assumed it was Cassandra doing it. Suddenly, his head was filled with images of Cassandra, kneeling there at his feet, looking up at him and smiling sinisterly.

"Oh," he moans softly. Her face alone made a wave of pleasure hit him and he shuddered with it and felt the tip of his release.

Eros was a strong man and had better lasting capacity in bed, but with Cassandra in the same room and with all the images of her being the one stroking his shaft he felt he was on the verge of release, as Tisha's mouth bobbed up his length, fast and steady. He opened his eyes, and they met Cassandra's staring into his and that moment he felt his bliss whirling around inside of him and he knew it will only take a few seconds. His fingers grabbed the headrest tightly, his eyes focused on Cassandra, and his pleasure built inside him.

"Oh, fuck, I'm gonna come..." he said, but before the words could leave his mouth, Tisha pulled herself away from him and he groaned before he released.

His semen spurted out and landed on Tisha's breasts and face, she smiled at him, letting out low hums from her throat and feeling she had achieved a great thing. Eros sprawled on the couch, breathing heavily as Tisha stood up from the floor and left the room as discreetly as she has entered.

Cassandra was on fire now, she could feel her pussy throbbing and her nipples were so hard, that they almost hurt, her breasts were swollen, and, in her head, she started imagining what Eros would feel like inside her. But she still hated him for killing her father and that was the only thought that kept her sane, even though her whole body was sodden with pleasure. She hoped her face didn't give her away. After the girl had left, she looked away from Eros who was now sprawled there on the couch, looking directly at her.

It was a good thing she has not tasted sex before, so she didn't know how good or bad it felt, and she could still control herself and win this game that Eros was playing with her. After catching his breath, he stood up from the couch and took the towel hung on the headrest and wrapped it around him, covering his nakedness. Cassandra pretended not to see him as she fought to take her mind away from what she just saw.

Her family was conservative and staunch Catholics, so this was not a scene she saw every day, in fact, she was not allowed to even view anything that would trigger her sexually and her parents had been wretched and all they did was go to the farm and sell their produce in the market with little or no time for herself. Even though she was twenty-two, her parents still treated her like she was still fifteen. Sometimes she hated it, while sometimes, she didn't mind, since she was the only child of her parents, and she chose to understand them.

He moved closer to her again and ran his finger through her temple, to her cheeks, and went down to her neck. She tried to keep her breathing steady as he touched her. She could not block out the effects his touch had on her, she was a human with feelings and sensations, so even if she has made up her mind not to go to bed with him, she could still feel aroused when he touched her like that.

He ran his finger down to her breast and when his thumb stroked her hardened nipple, even in her bra, she tried to fight back the gasp of pleasure. But the current that shot through her made it impossible and even more difficult to keep a straight face. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress the moan that threatened to escape her throat as his thumb continued to stroke her nipple. Then she looked at him and saw the smug smile on his face.

She knew he was laughing at her, he felt victory was his, but he didn't know just how stubborn she was yet. She hated him and she hated that he affected her. He suddenly left her nipple and grabbed the back of her hair, dragging her head back and making her chin tilt towards him then he bent closer to her, his face very closer to hers.

"I know you are hot and wet down there and before long; I am going to have a taste of you." He ran his hand through her inner thigh and for a second, Cassie thought he was going to stick his hand into her wet, hot, throbbing pussy and she waited in anticipation.

But he knew what he was doing and when his hand was almost near her wetness he withdrew and straightened up, the smile of victory still on his face. He walked up to the nightstand, picked up the phone, and spoke into it.

"Come and take her out of here."

Immediately he moved into the bath, the entrance door flung open, and Cassandra's eyes nearly popped out at whom she saw standing there.

Apollo Drakos

Sorry for the delayed update friends, I have been busy lately, but I will start updating regularly from next week. Thanks for understanding.

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