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      Cassandra was caught between two men whom she didn't want to provoke. She was sure that Apollo would retaliate if Eros did something to her and that would be the end of everything. Apollo was no match for Eros when it comes to violence. If he ever finds out that Apollo was there in disguise, he will kill both of them and rip their flesh from their bones, so she was going to keep it cool with Eros, at least now, she has something to live for. At least she was sure of one thing now, Eros won't force himself on her if she didn't want anything, Lucia was right about that.

They followed Bully to the dining where the table was set for two, Eros was already there seated, stalking her with his grey eyes that reminded her of the sky. She didn't hide the surprise on her face, and she looked at Apollo, his face was expressionless, she hopes he doesn't make a fuss about this later.

"Sit," Eros said with authority, waving her to the chair opposite him.

Cassandra obeyed without hesitation. She flopped down on the seat and waited for the next command. Apollo and Bully stood silently behind her.

"You may leave us alone," Eros said to them. "I want some privacy."

"Yes, sir." The men turned and left.

Cassandra hid her quivering hands under the table so that Eros won't see them. They were not quivering because she was really scared but she was thinking about what he was trying to do. Eros' gaze was boring holes in her forehead, but her eyes remained on the plate of food in front of her.

"Eat your food before it gets cold," he said, but she shook her head. "What? You don't like the food? I could tell them to prepare something you like."

What was going on? What game was he playing now? "I can't eat with you." Her voice came out in a whisper.

"Why?" He started cutting into his stake. "You know, they taught us table manners when we were younger, they said we should not speak while eating but I found out that the most interesting discussions are held over meals." Cassandra said nothing to that, her eyes remained on the plate in front of her. "Meet my gaze."

It was a command Cassandra obeyed by impulse. She looked into his grey eyes, and they held a lot of questions.

"I have some questions for you, but I won't be comfortable asking them if you don't eat."

"What do you want from me?" Cassandra managed.

"I want your body; I want you to be mine." His answer was raw and careless. He knew what he wanted from her, but she didn't want the same thing.

"Am I allowed to ask questions?"

"That is why I set up breakfast."

"What if I don't want the same thing?"

"Why? You don't find me attractive?"

That was it. He thought everything was about his build, physique, or wealth. "No..."

"Or you think I can't pay you enough to be my whore?" he interrupted.

Anger and embarrassment warred inside her, but she bit her lower lip to push down the anger. These were slippery grounds and she needed to tread carefully. "I am not a whore... I can work, I can work my ass off and pay you back every dime my father took from you, I promise."

He kept cutting into the steak on his plate in a way that told Cassandra that he was trying to control his anger. "How long will it take you to pay me back every dime and the interest?" he spoke finally after some seconds of silence.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now