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    "Are you alright, tesoro?"Eros' voice jerked Cassandra out of her thoughts. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Oh, yes." Eros smiled at her and returned his gaze to the man he was conversing with. Cassandra looked at the screen of the phone again and reread the message.

Hello, Cassie, how are you enjoying your ride with him? You are hurting me Cassie, but I promise to kill that man and get you out of there. I will fulfil that promise, so enjoy it while it lasts because you are still mine.

                                                                                                                   Your Love, Apollo.

She exhaled deeply and tears stung her eyes. What was wrong with him? How did he know her number? As she turned to tug Eros' arm, her phone rang, and the unknown number flashed on her screen. She stared at it for a while and looked at Eros, he seemed engrossed in the conversation, so she excused herself and headed to the restroom. Once she was there, she almost answered the call but remembered that Eros said her phone has been tapped, so she just stared at it.

Someone came into the restroom, and she did not even bother to know who it was until the person stood beside her in the mirror. Her gaze shifted and saw Dimitra smiling at her. She wondered why Eros would even invite Dimitra to his party when he claimed there was nothing between them again.

"Our fathers are allies and they are in the same business," Dimitra said as if she read her mind. She took out a lipstick from her purse and started to apply it on her already matted lips.

Cassandra knew Dimitra didn't come into the restroom to apply lipstick, but she wasn't ready to bicker, so, she started to leave the restroom, but the next thing Dimitra said stopped her in her tracks.

"Apollo is going to kill Eros because of you."

Cassandra turned to look at her. "Pardon?" Dimitra turned to face her.

"If you don't want things to get ugly and messy, just pack up and leave."

Cassandra feigned ignorance. "I don't think I know what you are talking about."

Dimitra chuckled lightly. "What don't you know? That Apollo risked his life to get in there to save you? That he made a little mistake— a human mistake and you want to throw him to the dust? You think Eros is a better man?"

Cassandra's heart slipped through her thighs and dropped to the ground. Lucia has been selling her out more than she expected. Something still confused her though. She knew that Dimitra was obsessed with Eros and would do anything to get him back. Why hadn't she told Eros about her secret? Why was she playing it this cool? Unless she has other motives.

"Remember everything you have been through and just because a senseless, horny girl wanted stupid revenge, you want to dump a good man for a murderer? A man who abuses women?"

"Whose side are you on?"

"On the side of good. I have never met Apollo..."

"And you know so much about him. Wow."

"No, I don't. I spoke with him on the phone, and he cried me a river speaking about you, I felt his pain and his genuineness in his voice. Are you going to throw all that away because of some mafia Don who just wants your body? Are you going to throw the pure love Apollo had for you, to the extent of keeping you pure to that of Eros who just wants to sleep with you and turn you into his sex slave?"

Cassandra chuckled. "I might have been a virgin, but I was never naive, and I am still not. I know what you are doing, but I will come clean with Eros about this whole thing, and I know he will forgive me. He is the one I chose and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it."

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now