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   Cassandra felt goosebumps blanketing her skin. She knew what Eros was capable of when he was angry. She knew he had never overcome his anger issues yet and the memories of the torture he mated out on her before flashed in her eyes. She wasn't ready to go through that pain anymore. Eros' jaw was so sharp that it could slice an apple in two. She became more scared when she saw the revolver lying casually on the surface beside his large arm. Was he going to shoot her again? Was Dimitra right about his rage knowing no one? Was it true he killed Elena?

When she didn't answer, Eros reached for a glass, poured in tequila, and pushed it towards her. "Drink."

She was confused. She has never been this scared of him, even when she was just his hostage. His calmness was frightening the shit out of her, and she felt fear rippling through her. Why was he offering her a glass of tequila? Does he want to get her drunk and kill her, so she won't put up a fight? When she didn't make a move to get the drink, he took the glass and slugged the drink back.

"Answer me, Cassandra." His voice was low, guttural, and cold. There was something icy in it and all this while, he had not looked at her.

"Eros, you are drunk," Cassandra managed.

Eros chuckled and turned to look at her, his orbs were dark and piercing. She prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her. His face held betrayal, anger, hurt, and a lot more she couldn't even comprehend. It was nothing like the expression she saw on his face before when he was a monster to her, it was as if something was possessing him, only that this time he was too calm, and it scared her the most.

"Drunk?" He stood up and she took a step back. "I asked you a question and all you say is I am drunk?"

Cassandra felt her body shudder with fear as Eros came toward her. She just realized how huge he was then. He could easily snap her neck in a go, without stress. What has she gotten herself into? The fear Dimitra inculcated in her earlier had taken over her subconsciousness. Even though part of her believed Eros won't hurt or harm her so badly, her body reacted differently, and her mind ran wilder. He was scaring her, and she wasn't even thinking straight.

"Ero...Eros... please..." Eros kept coming towards her and she was a bit relieved that he left the gun on the island's surface. His eyes never left hers. He stared at her with such ferocity she has never seen before. "You are scaring me."

Another throaty laughter escaped Eros. "What exactly are you scared of Cassandra? Is it the thought of me snapping your neck right now? Or the gun lying on that counter? Or the fact that you have been fucking lying to me?" Now he was pinning her to the wall by the entrance. Cassandra shut her eyes tight to get her thinking straight on how to explain things better to him before he snaps. "Or are there some other plans you are hiding from me?"

"Eros, please... I can explain."

"Of course, you can! I guess I should wait for you to feed me more lies," he growled and grabbed her wrist, tightening his grip around her. "Huh? Should I wait for you to feed me more lies?"

"Eros, you are hurting me please," she cried. She couldn't even hold back the tears in her eyes anymore.

He released her and walked back to the island, grabbing the bottle of tequila. For a moment, nothing happened, he just stood there with the bottle of tequila, but once Cassandra opened her mouth to talk, he hauled the bottle, it hit the wall beside Cassandra and broke, the amber liquid spilling on the tiled kitchen floor. Cassandra shrieked and for a moment, she thought she saw Eros making a move to come over to her but stopped himself.

"I trusted you, Cassandra!" he yelled, Cassandra saw the tears forming in his eyes. "For once, I thought you were different!"

"Eros, I tried to tell you, but you kept brushing it off," Cassandra said through her tears.

Taken by the Heartless (HEARTLESS, Book 1) (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now