Chapter 1

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My mother just left my room and I just stood there watching her disappear after she closed the door.

We are having many problems, apparently my mother will not be able to continue paying for my university, we have a huge debt that if we do not pay, they can take our house away from us. My father? Well, that son of a b- only left one day and never came back, my twin brother Hyujin is about to go on a trip to the USA since he entered a expensive soccer academy and how I am studying art, my mother thinks that he will have more future and will be able to help her, while me... She will leave me to my own.

I'm 19 years old and I'm still a virgin, it's not common but it's not impossible either, I've had a few boyfriends, but we never really got past first base and for that reason they ended up leaving me, anyway, I was never very attached to men, They make me stressed.

I spent a whole day locked in my room, lying down looking up at the ceiling trying to think what I should do and then to have money what do you need? A job.

After my existential crisis while looking for a part-time job so I could continue paying for college, a one-page ad that didn't look very legal appeared.

Are you a virgin and do you need money?

I rolled my eyes seeing when it suddenly appeared but I decided to ignore it, although the deepest part of my mind kept the name of the page.

I spent two whole days looking for some kind of job, I called agencies and I couldn't find something I could work in without having a degree, anyway, I sent my resume, but I needed a degree or at least experience and I didn't have either. That same afternoon I spoke with the people in charge of the payment at the university and they gave me a period of 1 week, a damn week to get the money... Since I also found out that I owe two semesters, my mother had not paid them.

"Hey bitch, you haven't come to class for two days, what's wrong?"

My best friend Lia was at my door, it was Saturday and she probably wanted to go out to a bar, but I really had no head at all.

"Lia, I have some problems, I'm, agh! I don't know what to do..."

After going up to my room and glared at Hyujin who kept looking at Lia on the way. We both sat in front of my computer while we looked at some more job offers.

And again...

"Bitch, stop stop stop... Look at the ad" Lia pointed to the screen showing the ad I had seen a few days ago. How do you know me, damn? "It's perfect for you..."

"Lia, please-"

"Ash, Yeji... Don't romanticize virginity too much ok? Plus you'll get extra money for it" Lia gently nudged my arm with her elbow and I just rolled my eyes. But there was some truth in her words.

"Let's take a look, but just that, ok?" I told her and she nodded, while jumping in the chair, she was much more excited than me.

The page at first glance seemed to be a normal page, to register you had to show your identity card and upload some photos of yourself, then you waited for certain men to pay exorbitant sums of money to be the first to fuck you.

"Yeji, think about it, you will have the money faster than you expected and you will be able to continue studying and according to what it says here they pay very well, so you will have for other things, besides, you are not destined to be with that man forever"

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair, thinking if it would be better to keep looking for a job that paid me a pittance or do what Lia said and earn much more, I wasn't an ambitious girl, but we need money to live... You know?


Lia clapped her hands like a seal and took the mouse out of my hand, looked up my profile and started filling it in with my details. We took a photo of my identity card and uploaded it.

"Ok now we need to upload pictures of you... Here it says, one of your beautiful face..." I punched her in the arm and she chuckled "one full length standing and one sitting"

"Well, here in my phone I have some-" Lia took the phone from my hands and I glared at her.

"No, no, no... We're going to take some pics now, your photos are very cute, we need some sexy ones, but don't worry, we're not going to show anything, they have to pay to see!" Lia, really...

I did a light make-up, since I didn't want to look too old, I put on some casual clothes and Lia helped me take the photos.

"You looked beautiful" We both looked at the profile already filled with my data and Lia uploaded it.

"Well now we have to wait for-" within minutes some requests started pouring in "oh my god, oh my god!" Lia screamed and I had to cover my ears.

"Lia, are you trying to- oh my..." There were three requests from men and the prices ranged from $15 million to $40 million "damn, this is a lot of money" we both looked at each other with wide eyes and Lia started to scream like a child.

"God, Yeji... You know what you can do with all that money!!!"

I was really already imagining my life giving myself some luxuries and helping my mom get out of debt, after paying for college.

Knock Knock!

"Yeji is everything alright? What are those screams?" I covered Lia's mouth so she would stop screaming and laughing like a seal.

"Yes mom, don't worry, it's just... Lia!" Then I heard her footsteps fade and I let go of Lia who ran her tongue over my hand and I looked at her with disgust.

"Ok, let's look at the request of the one who offered 40 million, because-"

Suddenly another request came in this time for 50 million dollars, I felt like some kind of expensive painting being auctioned and my eyes widened even more, Lia jumped out of her chair and covered her mouth to keep from screaming.

"Yeji, my god!!! Why am I not a virgin, damn it!!" Lia yelled in a whisper and I couldn't help but laugh at her stupidity.

"Ok, ok... Let's see who it is"

There were no pics of the men, just a name, their age and nationality.


According to the profile, the man's name was Dae-hyun, he was from Korea and his age... 40 fucking years old. Damn!

"Ok, I know how it looks but it's too much money, Yeji"

The word money was spinning in my head, I had 5 days to pay for my university, it was now or never. With my eyes closed and with Lia's encouragement, I decided to sell it to that guy.

After a long night while we waited for the guy's answer, Lia bought some beers that we drank until almost dawn.

But me, I couldn't sleep, although I was a little drunk, in my mind there was only that sale...


I hope you liked this first chapter, thank you very much!! 💕💕🦋

Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors.

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