Chapter 41

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"Eunbi?" I said as I entered the house, which seemed to be alone, Yuna came in with me and when we were about to go upstairs, Miki stopped us.

"Mommy!" Miki ran towards my arms and Yuna just stood there, as if petrified, my mom was on the couch....

"What are you doing here, Yuna?"

Yuna was silent, apparently she still feels the fear she has always felt towards mom.

"This is my house and Yuna can come whenever she wants." I told her.

Yuna put her hand on my shoulder, to warn me to keep talking.

"Ok, in that case-"

"Don't worry, mom, I'm leaving."

"Mom? As far as I know I only have one daughter..." I looked carefully at Yuna and saw how her eyes became teary.

"Mommy, who is she?" Miki pointed at Yuna, breaking the tension in the place.

"It's your aunt and we're taking you to the park" I grabbed Yuna by the wrist and quickly pulled her out of the place, carrying her with me to the car, leaving my mom standing there.

"Ryujin I-" she lowered her head and I put my hand on her cheek.

"Come on Yuna, look at Miki" the expression on her face changed as she saw the boy and took him in her arms.

"Hi baby, you are so big and handsome" she said to him and he smiled.

"Thank you, Aunty" Miki gave him a kiss and a tear came out of Yuna's eyes.

"Easy, sis" I brushed the tear away with my finger and opened the back door for her to go in with Miki.

Yuna was going all the way joking and making Miki laugh, while my head was still on what had happened in the boardroom...

I felt so many things, remembering her soft lips eating mine, a tingle went down my crotch. My God... I hadn't felt this way in years....

Her skin was still so soft, her scent melted my being...

As we were near the park I decided to calm down a bit, I wasn't going to let those thoughts flood my head, being with Yuna and my son.

"Mommy, I want to go to the sandbox!!!" Miki yelled at me in Yuna's arms.

"I'll take him, you go buy me an ice cream, I'm hungry" Yuna told me and I rolled my eyes smiling, while shaking my hand at Miki who was very happy with his aunt.

Where the hell is Eunbi? And what was my mom doing at home without telling me she would be there? I started to wonder that when I saw myself at the front of the line and a woman behind me cleared her throat.

"Miss?" I blinked several times and looked at her giving her an apologetic smile.

"May I please have three ice creams" I chose the flavors and quickly the girl handed them to me.

"Here" I gave Yuna her ice cream and she received it with a smile "you're getting married in a few days and you still look like a little girl."

"Shut up and look at Miki's new little friend" when I looked over to where my son was, I saw him with that little blonde girl I had seen before "If it wasn't because Miki is your son and I know it, I would say your daughter is her" I smiled at the comment and walked over to where they were playing with some toy in their hands.

I crouched down where they were and handed an ice cream to Miki and another to the little girl.

"Thank you mommy!" Miki smiled and so did the little girl, when I looked at her I couldn't help but think about what Yuna said.

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