Chapter 5

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I felt something move behind me and I quickly opened my eyes with fear, remembering little by little, where I was, I looked down and I saw myself completely naked and her hand resting on my abdomen, god, I did it.... I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking about what I should do, I didn't know whether to wake her up and ask her for the money or leave and wait for the page to give it to me. Hell, I didn't read about it.

Slowly I took her arm off me and got up being careful not to wake her up, she looked in a deep sleep so I decided to leave and wait for the money to arrive, I took my phone and realized it was completely discharged, damn it, I quickly got dressed, washed my face and with my shoes in hand I looked over my shoulder at the woman who last night had bought my first time. Inmediatly I left the room on tiptoes, I didn't know if it was the best option, but I was afraid to see her after what happened, more like embarrassed. I entered the elevator and went down to the reception where I left the key and left the hotel quickly.

On the street I took a cab and went straight home, I didn't know what explanation I would give at home if my mom realized that I didn't sleep at home, but I can still say that I was with Lia? Yes. In the cab while I was looking at the big buildings and the elegant houses I only thought about the night I had, it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, but I didn't want to see her again.

I got home and went inside careful not to make any noise, there was no one there so I took a deep breath and went upstairs.

"Nice hours coming, Lucy."

I jumped in fright with my hand on my chest, damn Hyujin. He stood in the doorway of his room with his arms crossed looking at me from head to toe, I rolled my eyes and walked into my room.

"Mom didn't notice, she knocked on your door like every morning but I did know that-" I turned and showed him my middle finger, he made a circle between his fingers and walked out of my room chuckling.

Our relationship was like that, Tom and Jerry type but I loved my brother very much and I know he loved me too. I don't think he knew that my mom wouldn't be paying for my college anymore and I didn't want to say anything to him either, in a few weeks he will be leaving for the States.

I charged my phone while I went to the bathroom and got into the tub, the water was hot and I felt my body relax a lot. After what I thought was a few minutes I opened my eyes and got out of the bathroom, I went to the vanity and started to dry my hair when I felt my phone turn on and I could hear a lot of notifications.

I went to it and checked, a lot of messages from Lia, some from Hyujin and.... Almost 10 calls from Ryujin, from a few hours ago, fuck, the phone started ringing again and it almost fell out of my hands.

"Bitchhhh! I need you to tell me everything!!!" I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone away from my ear as I went to my closet to see what clothes I would wear.

"Shut up... I'll see you at the university, I'll go there, we better talk about this personal and not at my house" I hung up the call and took from the wardrobe a black jeans with a white crop top and some snickers. I got dressed and left my room, as I put my ear to Hyujin's door I could hear some music and I tiptoed away so he wouldn't hear me leave.

At the university I looked for Lia and we both went to a coffee shop that was two blocks away.

"Yej, you have to tell me everything, I'm too anxious to know, I couldn't concentrate in class.... God! He was a horrible old man or at least he could be a cute suggar daddy?" Ugh.... This girl, really.

"Iugh... And no, he wasn't an old man..." Lia gave me a confused look and I just looked down at my coffee as I stirred it with the little spoon.

"He was young? Bu-"

"It was a woman" Lia opened her eyes wider unable to believe what I was telling her.

"It's... It's a fucking JOKE?!" I put my hands to my face because of how embarrassed I was and immediately put my fingers to my lips.

"Shhhhh! No, it's not a joke, she was a super ATTRACTIVE woman and that's not the worst thing.... Or better..." She mumbled a "so?" And I took a deep breath.... "She had a penis."

I didn't know if Lia was in shock or just kidding but she just looked at me with her eyes wide open and her mouth slightly open, put her hands over her mouth and gasped. I snapped my fingers in front of her until she wised up.

"Damn, Yeji, you've got to be kidding me, right?" I shook my head and she started fanning her face with her hand, it wasn't even hot here.

"It's... Agh, it was amazing... It hurt so much but fuck I can't get her eyes out of my head and-"

"And? Why did you leave? The money?" I rolled my eyes and she started laughing "it's a joke, but if you want it's not, that's the point of all this, isn't it?"

I ducked my head and ran my fingers through my hair, I didn't know what to do "we didn't read how the money delivery would be, I guess-"

My phone started ringing and when I saw the screen it was from a private number, I didn't know whether to answer or not, but Lia immediately pressed the answer button, getting a glared from me.


"Why did you leave, kitty?" I would recognize that voice a thousand times over...

"R-ryujin?" I didn't know why I was stuttering if we weren't even talking in person.

"Why did you leave?"

"Ehm... I'm sorry but my part was done, now all that's left is-"

"Ok, for your money you must come to the place wh-"

"Wait, wait, wait... What?"

Damn it, I didn't want to see her again, I was sure that she could send the money in some account or something "You shouldn't send the money-"

"Yeji... That's not how the deal works.... I have to give the money to you personally, I'll give you a card, come to the address I'll send you in a few minutes, I'll be waiting for you."

She hung up the call and didn't give me time to tell her anything else, I just rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, Lia stood watching me as she waited for me to tell her what had happened. I got up from the coffee shop, put money on the table and grabbed her arm.

"Let's go."

"But where are we going?" Lia frowned and looked at me confused.

"On the way I'll explain" a message came and it was the location where I was supposed to go. I didn't want to be alone with her again, so I decided to take my best friend, after all, she was the one who convinced me of all this, no?


Hi guys, thank you very much to everyone who followed the story again and for the new readers, welcome. 💕🦋

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