Chapter 10

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"What do you mean it's all paid for?"

I was at the university in one of the offices where payments are made, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, they paid for my entire degree and also the semesters I owed. If it was a mistake? Yes, it was the only explanation for this, right?

"Oh, I assumed you would be aware of this, Miss Hwang" I looked at her confused and only someone came to my head.

"Who did it?" I asked her and she looked at the computer, I really didn't want to know the damn name but I needed to hear it, I knew perfectly well it had been her, no one else could pay such an amount in one go.

"It was sent from an account under the name Shin Joanne" I took a deep breath and nodded giving the secretary a smile, of course I wasn't happy, I just had to disguise it.

"Oh, it's my aunt, thank you very much."

The secretary nodded and I just got up from the chair, walking out of the office. I put my back against the wall and ran my hand through my hair, at least I was happy because I could continue studying, but I needed to talk to her, make her see that this was not a gift, but part of what we had agreed and that she could walk away from my life.


It was Lia who came up to me and hugged me. I couldn't be mad at her, after all she was my best friend since high school, we did almost everything together, I was never much of friends and Lia was like family to me.


Lia ran her hand across my cheek and gave me weak a smile.

"Why weren't you answering my texts and calls, I wanted to explain-"

"No, Lia... I don't want to talk about any of that, ok?" She nodded and walked beside me through the halls of the university.

"And why are you here? Did you manage to get a job?" I shook my head and we both sat down on a bench from where you could see a nice garden.

"Ryujin paid for my entire college" Lia opened her eyes wider and then smiled.

"What?" I asked "Did you know anything about this?" I turned my body towards her.

"Well, I'm not sure... I, agh... I'm sorry, yesterday when I was going to run after you, Ryujin stopped me, we went to some restaurant and she asked me a lot of things about you, I didn't know she was going to pay for your college, it's still the right thing to do isn't it? After all she bought your virginity" Lia was completely right and although I didn't want to accept "her money" it was mine, not hers, since she paid for my first time.

Deep down I didn't want to accept that I was dying to see her again and I just needed an excuse to go see her, but I was determined to tell her that I don't want to hear from her anymore.

I said goodbye to Lia. Tomorrow I had to continue with my classes and catch up with the week behind, but today? Today I was going to get it over with.


I got out of the cab looking towards the big skyscraper, I took a deep breath to try to calm my anxiety, I wasn't going to show her weakness today, as much as I wanted to have her hands all over my b- NO!

"Good afternoon, Miss Uchinaga"

The girl looked at me confused and then looked at the badge on her sweater, apparently she remembered that her last name was right there, I thought it was kind of cute and couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, sorry, good afternoon, Miss Hwang..." And she was good at remembering people's names tho "Can I help you with something?"

"I need to see Miss Shin Ryujin, please" she nodded.

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