Chapter 42

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing at Hyujin's hands, while Karina was with Yiyi in her room, putting her to bed... Hyujin started telling me what had happened in the park.

My heart raced so fast that I felt anxiety run through my body, my eyes teared up at the image of Ryujin giving her own daughter an ice cream.

Unknowingly, Ryeji had met her....

"I'm sorry, Yeji... It was in an oversight, that I looked away and Karina pointed out to me what was going on."

Karina knows who Ryujin is and of course, looked at them in astonishment.

"No... Don't worry, Hyun, it's just..." I let out a deep sigh, to manage to calm my heart and body.

You saw your daughter, Ryujin and you don't even know her... Is it fair to you?

"Yeji, I know what you are doing, don't feel bad ok? Don't even think about it. Just calm down, sis" Hyujin hugged me and at that moment, Karina approached us.

"Yeji, I think you should tell her, it's the most sensible thing to do" said Karina sitting next to me and Hyujin glared at her.

"I'm scared, what if she doesn't believe me?" I said to Karina while she was holding my hand.

"She won't believe you? But if Yiyi is identical to her, only a blind man couldn't realize that they are mother and daughter."

"Yeji, you don't have to do this, ok?"

"Hyujin..." Karina told him in an authoritative tone.

"No, Karina. I'm very sorry, but Yiyi hasn't needed that woman until now."


"But nothing, if Yeji still isn't sure, she won't do it, period."

Karina just looked at him and then turned her gaze back to me, she gave my hand a slight squeeze and with a smile stood up. Hyujin took a deep breath and apologized to me, going after her.

Suddenly I received a message on my phone from Lia.

Some pictures of the dresses she wanted me to wear that day, I had to choose which one I liked the most. I smiled, but I really didn't have the head to decide something like that right now.

I could only imagine Ryujin giving the ice cream to our daughter, as she must have smiled at her. I felt a strong pressure in my chest at that moment and got up from the sofa, on my way to Yiyi's room, where I saw her sound asleep, hugging that little doll that Hyujin once gave her.

Could you forgive me if one day you find out that you met your mommy in the park? I whispered as I stroked her hair. "I love you" I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead that made a tear fall from my eye.

Ok Yeji, you have to be strong, for your daughter, she is the only thing you have to fight, fight to get that woman out of your head.

Days later

"Lucy, good morning."

I decided to look for an office, away from the big Shin corp, they had decided to give me an office there, but after what had happened that day, I didn't want something like that to happen again, or so I repeated to myself, every time I remembered Ryujin's strong arms, wrapped around my body.

Chris arrived and sat down with me showing me some papers of the company's balance sheets and accounts, everything is going very well, in fact we have increased the export volume, thanks to our alliance with Shin Corp.

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