Chapter 27

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Yeji sent me a good morning message very early in the morning, but I had been very busy at the company and I had managed to see it only now, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning and I decided to call her, I hope she is not mad at me.

I called her about three times and she didn't answer, I started to worry.

Don't worry Ryujin, she's probably busy with something at the university. I texted her and also wrote to Lia, asking her about Yeji, while I was still organizing some work stuff.

Lately I felt like I was drowning, but by the weekend I will be able to rest and with the woman I want, I can't wait to go away with her...

When I didn't get an answer from both of them in an hour, I decided to go to the university to look for her, I needed to know if she was ok, I don't know why I was so nervous, but I felt something wasn't right, Yeji always answered my messages and my calls.

I got into my car with a strange feeling in my chest, I hope it's just part of my imagination and that Yeji is just busy as I have been.


"Hello mom."

"Ryujin, I'm having dinner at my house today and I'll invite Eunbi, you have to apologize to her, so I'll wait for you here."

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for any of that, so if you excuse me, have a nice day."

I hung up the call without waiting for her answer and continued my way in the direction of the university, I hope to meet you there Yeji.


"Lia?" She turned her body towards me and looked at me somewhat surprised.

"Oh, Ryu... What are you doing here?"

"Lia, where's Yeji?" I saw her sigh and scratch the back of her neck. Something that made me much more anxious.

"Well... She..." I grabbed Lia by the shoulders, come on woman, I don't have all day....

"She what, Lia?"

"She's at the apartment... In the early morning we went to her mom's house, she didn't want to tell me what happened inside but when she came out she was destroyed, so much that she didn't want to come to the university, I told her I would stay with her but she didn't want to, she told me she wanted to be alone and that's why I'm not with her, sorry" I let her go and apologized for what I did and immediately walked towards my car. god Yeji....

My mom was calling me all the way, but I didn't answer her, I don't need to talk to her now, I need to know if my Yeddeong is ok.

I went straight to her apartment and knocked on her door, after several minutes of knocking, I felt some footsteps and breathed a sigh of relief. She opened the door and her eyes were puffy, her nose and cheeks were red, I could tell she had cried a lot. As soon as she saw me, she hugged me and I hugged her tightly too, taking her inside with me.

Yeji was crying inconsolably and spilled into my arms, I carried her and she tucked her face into my neck. I carried her to her bed and laid her down, me too next to her and hugged her so tight, Yeji was just crying and my eyes started to fill with tears, i didn't want to see her like that, it was killing me to know how bad she was feeling at that moment.

"Calm down, princess... Everything will be fine, I'll be here with you all day" and I wasn't lying, on the way here I made my secretary cancel everything I had scheduled for today, I didn't want to be anywhere else but with her.

"You're here... T-thank you Ryujin" she said with her voice cut off between sobs and looked up at me. I put my hand on her cheek wiping away the tears that continued to flow from her beautiful crystal eyes and gave her a soft kiss which she reciprocated.

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