Chapter 8

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Lia, I hate you...


When I got out of there I could breathe well again and I didn't see Lia anywhere, I quickly walked towards the elevator and took out my phone to call my super treacherous friend.

"Bitch, where the fuck are you?"

"Oh, Yeji, calm down.... I'm a block away at a coffee shop with-"

"Damn it, Lia!"

The two people in the elevator stared at me and I just bowed my head and lowered my voice "why did you go and leave me alone?"

I heard her laugh on the other side and I rolled my eyes "Yeji, come to the fucking coffee shop, it's around the corner, it's called.... What's is the name?" Was she with someone else? "RACER, come right away" she hung up the call and I just took a deep breath trying to calm the rage I had at that moment.

When I got off the elevator I immediately went to the exit without looking anywhere, I was afraid of seeing her suddenly coming out of some office, although it was impossible. I bowed my head and gave a smile to the receptionist and left. I will never come back to this place again.

Her words "This won't be the last time we see each other, Yeji" went round and round in my head until I arrived at the blissful cafe where I saw Lia sitting on the terrace with the blonde girl who entered Ryujin's office, her sister. But what the hell, Lia.

I reached her table and crossed my arms looking at her, I was really very furious and I hadn't realized that I didn't greet the girl.

"I hate you-" Lia immediately stood up and gave me a hug.

"Calm down, Yeji... It was for the best" she whispered in my ear and let go of me when I was about to answer her...

"Hi, Yeji... I didn't have the pleasure of introducing myself to you up there" the girl shook my hand and I bowed my head towards her.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Don't worry about it, I understand... We'll talk some other time, bye Lia"

The blonde gave her a wink and I saw Lia swallow dryly and smile towards her. I rolled my eyes and quickly left the place. I heard her call out to me and come after me, but I stopped a cab and got in without looking at her, she quickly got in while I had my arms crossed looking out the other side of the window.

"Yeji p-"

"Let's go to the bank, please" I said to the cab driver who nodded and started the car.


"Yejiiiii please.... Look at meeee Forgive me!!!"

Lia knew it was hard for me to forgive her easily, every time there was a problem between us, I was the one who took the longest to forgive the other.

"I'll give you whatever you want, Ok?"

I showed her the white envelope in my hands without even looking at her.

"I'll get whatever I want with this, so I don't need you to give me anything" I looked at her and she looked at me confused, she tried to take the envelope out of my hands but I pushed it away from her, putting it in my purse.

She started tickling me with her fingers, until she managed to get a smile out of me and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, now that you've forgiven me, tell me what happened in that office."

I decided to tell her only a few things, leaving out details like Ryujin having me at her mercy.

"Ok ladies, here we are"

We paid the driver and got off, walking towards the entrance of the big bank where I planned to create an account to keep the amount of money I had.

"Good afternoon, nice to meet you, my name is Christian, how can I help you, ladies?" A very handsome guy attended us with a smile.

"Ok, I need to create an account and transfer the money I have on this card" I took the white envelope out of my wallet and handed it to the boy. He opened it and quickly his eyes widened further. He stared at me and looked at the card again.

"Wait for me a moment here, please" I nodded and Lia just stood there looking at her phone as she laughed.

I was already starting to get impatient, as I moved my leg up and down. Suddenly I saw the guy approaching with two policemen and I had a bad feeling.

"Ladies, you'll have to come with us" the officers said towards us and I swallowed dryly, Lia immediately put her phone away and we both got up from the chair.

"But what the-"

"You must come with us for allegedly robbing Ms. Shin"




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My goddess🦋💕

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