Chapter 52

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2 years later.




"Ryujin... Be careful I might fall down."

Ryujin had my eyes covered, as she slowly walked me to some place I had no idea, just like that time. She covered my eyes with a black blindfold and I couldn't see where we were going.

"Wait, wait... It won't be long now, love" she whispered in my ear.

And in the distance I felt the voices and laughter of Miki and Ryeji who were apparently fluttering around the place.

Ryujin had her other hand on the prominent belly that was already showing through the white dress with red flowers she bought for me.

We took a few more steps, I felt the soft morning breeze caress my face. Ryujin walked slowly, making me slow down too and she removed her hand from my eyes.

"You can open them now" she whispered in my ear and slowly I opened my eyes "we are here".

I blinked to let my eyes get used to the brightly lit morning that shone by the sun. I looked towards the place where we were.

It's here...

It was the same cabin where I once spent one of the best moments of my entire life. Where I gave myself to her completely on that grass, on top of a cloth that served as our bed, to make our bodies join and dance together in synchrony.

My eyes filled with tears as I remembered this place and with the pregnancy I was even more sensitive. Two years ago we had been married and I had not been back to this place since that last visit and it was completely empty and dead.

I looked at the entrance and the sign with our last names "HWANGSHIN" was restored.

The children, now 6 years old, were running and playing all over the place.

The grass was wet. I felt the need to take off my shoes and walk in it. Ryujin grabbed my hand and together we walked into the hut.

And just like that day. When we entered. Everything was the same, there was no longer an empty place, everything was almost the same as the first time we came here.

I looked at her and she smiled at my tears running down my cheeks. She wiped them away with her thumbs.

"Don't cry, honey" she whispered bringing her mouth to my lips and giving me a soft kiss.

"You know I can't help it" I replied between sobs "this place brings back beautiful memories" I told her.

"Me too" she sighed and looked back at the place that seemed to have come alive again.

"Mommy, this place is so cool!" Miki shouted, entering along with Yiyi.

"Yes, it is, baby boy" Ryujin wiggled his hair between her fingers.

"Mommy" Ryeji tugged on my dress "can we stay and live here?" I looked at her with a smile and Ryujin put her hand on my waist.

"Maybe, princess."

"Yay!" She raised her hands and ran all the way to the living room with Miki.

"Do you want to stay and live here?" Ryujin asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'd love to... Just us, with the kids and our next baby."

Ryujin put her hands delicately on my belly and caressed it and knelt down in front of me to give it a kiss.

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