Chapter 44

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"Bitch, I organized a bachelorette partyaaaaaa!" Lia yelled into the call about to burst my eardrum.

"Aren't your friends, obviously me, supposed to organize it for you?"

I asked her as I came out of the bathroom in the morning.

"Well I don't care, I'll change that, besides it will be for both of us, for Yuna and me, we'll just drink, no strippers or anything like that."

"Ok, ok... Where did you organize it?"

I looked at the closet while I wasn't sure what to wear today, it wasn't that it was a different day, I had to go to the office, like every day, but for some reason, I felt the need to look better today.... Maybe I wanted to impress someone? I don't know, but I feel like I should start looking for someone to get that woman out of my head.

It's not right to use people to get other people out of your heart, but, I don't know what else I can do....

"I'll pick you up at your office after work and we'll go over there, so put some sexy clothes in your bag and then you can change."

"Lia... How old are you 16?" I asked her and she just laughed.

"Just do as I say, bye!"

Lia hung up the call and I opted to wear something comfortable, high rise jeans, a white button down blouse and heels. Yes definitely comfortable. Some casual makeup and an updo in my hair.

When I came out of my room, I saw Yiyi playing with Ningning in the living room.

"Look mommy, what I drew."

I walked over to look at her drawing and Ningning got up giving me a smile, heading towards the kitchen.

"Who are they?" I asked, pointing to the drawing.

"Miki, her mom and me."

In the drawing there were three people, obviously it was a drawing of a little girl, not at all alike, but even the hair color matched them. God. I felt a lump get stuck in my throat and took a deep breath.

"Oh, what a cute drawing, my queen" I stroked her hair and she smiled towards me, as she continued coloring her drawings.

"I want to see him again mommy, when will you take me to the park again?"

"Heyyyy!" Hyujin walked into the house with the keys I had given him and immediately Yiyi ran out into his arms, she really loved her uncle very much.

"You scared me, Hyun" I said to him.

Further back Karina walked in and came over to greet me.

"Hi Yeji... How have you been?"

"Very well Rina and you?"

Hyujin started playing with Ryeji while Karina and I sat on the couch.

"You should definitely go with me to the bachelorette party that Lia organized for her wedding, you're going to love Lia, she's super special, and you know..." I looked over to where Hyujin was standing with Ryeji "HYUJIN WAS IN LOVE TO LIA!" I shouted and he immediately turned his gaze back to me.

"In my defense, I didn't know Lia wasn't straight"

"Neither was I" I defended myself and Karina just laughed.

"Well, but I don't know, I don't know her and I have to go without Hyujin?" I rolled my eyes at the comment.

"Yes, Rina, Hyujin is my brother, but men are so agh!"

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