Chapter 21

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That fucking little bitch won't take what's mine.

For years I have been waiting for Ryujin to see me as something more than just the daughter of her mother's friend, sometimes I go to her office, others, we would meet at the club where our families frequented on weekends, or Mrs. Shin, very kindly invited me to her house on Sundays which were the days Ryujin would go to visit her. But this Sunday was strange as Mrs. Shin called me angrily saying she needed to see me tomorrow at Ryujin's office.

Since the first time I saw Ryujin, at an elegant dinner party my parents had, when we were only 16 years old, I knew she was for me and I dreamed every day to have her, but whenever I tried, she avoided me.

After years of insistence, I had decided to stay away from her, she was becoming an obsession for me, to such an extent, that my mother had to find a therapist, and for years I was in treatment, but after seeing her that day with that girl in her office, my feelings were stirred and I promised myself that Ryujin would be for me. I had to get her at any cost.

Mrs. Shin called me very early in the morning, telling me everything that the private investigator she hired to follow Ryujin had found out, which after seeing her with that girl that day, I knew that she wasn't just any bitch, something strong was going on between her and Ryujin.


After the scene in Ryujin's office, Mrs. Shin and I decided to talk at a nearby coffee shop.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lee is going to find out everything about that woman, although it's surely one more of her adventures, we'll get her out of the way, Eunbi" I smiled and saw her smiling devilishly.

I hope so, but I feel there is something else.... Normally she's always with one and then another, but twice with the same woman? That wasn't normal for Ryujin at all.

Even though she never showed any interest towards me, I'll do my best to get her in my arms, even if I have to use some dirty trick, but no one is going to stand in my way.

"Ok, Mrs. Shin... Thank you very much, I hope you will keep me informed of everything that happens with Ryujin and that little girl, I need to know her name and everything about her life."

I got up from the table in the coffee shop and walked to my car, seeing the damn picture of Ryujin and that chick in that bar, my blood was boiling, but I couldn't lose my mind even though I was worried.... Because it didn't look like a simple affair, I knew Ryujin very well, but this was inexplicable.


"Hello, my dear... Where have you been? You were out very early today" my mother was in the garden with my father whom I greeted with a hug.

"I went to see Ryujin and Mrs. Shin" I sat with them and my mom smiled.

"Eunbi, honey, don't you think it's time for you to stop that strange relationship with that girl?" my dad said to me as he took a sip of whiskey. No dad, I can't.

"Honey, let our daughter be happy, please" my mom said and grabbed my hand, supporting me.

"Please Woony, our daughter is just suffering for a woman who doesn't deserve her, Ryujin is not the one for our daughter..."

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the chair, putting both my hands on the table.

"Ryujin is going to be mine. Do you understand?" I walked out of there without waiting for his answer, I don't care what anyone else says. I need her with me.


"ohhh damn it, yes!"

After storming out of my house, I was in the bed of a guy I had met a few weeks ago at the club, trying to vent the rage I was feeling at that moment. Ryujin despising me, my father wanting to control me, no one is going to tell me what to do.

"Fuck, what a nice pussy! You're a bitch, aren't you?"

The man moaned in my ear while I had my eyes closed imagining that Ryujin might one day make me hers. I dreamed of having her in my arms naked, fucking me until my body could take no more. But instead of that, what I could do was just fuck some guy, imagining that she's the one on top of me.

"Don't c-come inside ahh"

The guy pulled his cock out without me even having reached my orgasm, men... he emptied his cum all over me and I rolled my eyes while breathing hard, he tried to kiss me, but I avoided him and got up immediately to the bathroom.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

I slammed the door shut, not answering his question and showered, washing his sweat and semen off my body.

Someday you'll be mine, Ryujin.... And I'll be the one screaming your name in your fucking bed.


Oh oh...

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Sorry for any mistakes....

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