Chapter 43

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When I saw that she left hooked on Christian's arm, I felt a pang in my stomach, it looked like a simple sourness, but it was much more than that... And I was aware of that.

Could I be jealous? No and I shouldn't be.

Seeing her there, smiling with him, made me remember that time when we had dinner in this same place, remembering that it was with me that she laughed and had fun. Remembering the first and only time I danced with someone...

There's no point in thinking about it, Ryujin.

Then why did I send them that bottle of wine? Out of jealousy, maybe... Or out of simple courtesy. Even though she did what she did, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since I saw her again... Yeji's driving me crazy...

"Ryujin, have you already picked out what you're going to wear for the Yulia wedding?" Chaer asked me, while chatting on her phone, pulling me out of my thoughts.

While I pretended to be too busy typing something on the computer, but it was just scribbles, which I erased later.

"No, tomorrow I'm going to meet Yuna, to arrange about that"

"Ohhh... I do have already chosen the perfect outfit for the occasion and I'll bring my girl" I looked at her incredulously.

"Your girl? Finally going for something serious?"

She nodded while still staring at her screen.

"It's about time, Ryu.... By the way, how are things with Eunbi?" She asked.

"Well... With Eunbi things aren't going very well, but we haven't fought lately either, there's been peace."

Chaeryeong tore her gaze away from the computer and stared at me over her glasses.

"And Yeji?"

I didn't know whether to answer that question, so I swallowed hard and let the comment pass, focusing back on my work.

"Did you send the file I asked for yet?" I asked and her smile faded.

"Oh shit!" She quickly got up from her chair and walked out of the office, while I just rolled my eyes.

I didn't want her to leave, but I really didn't want to talk about Yeji, she's in my head most of the day already.

In the evening when I got home I found Miki asleep and Eunbi, in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching something on TV.

"How are you, Ryujin?" She asked me without taking her eyes off the TV.

"Tired, as usual? And you?"

"I don't know... You tell me."

I sat next to her and took a deep breath, I had to do something with her, this was going nowhere, but I couldn't leave the situation like this.

"Eunbi... Sorry..." I said and she turned to look at me "the truth is that-"

I didn't finish saying anything when she immediately climbed on my legs and kissed me, uncontrollably, dropping the wine glass she was holding on the floor. I didn't have time to react and then after a few seconds I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by her alcohol-filled lips.

Maybe this way I can get you out of my head...

She began to remove the buttons of my shirt quickly, while not taking her lips off mine. I put my hands behind her back and lifted up the shirt she was wearing.

With every kiss and every caress of her hands, I thought of her, but quickly the image of Yeji became blurry and confused. She was not the one I was holding in my arms, but she was the one I wanted. This is not right...

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