Chapter 32

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One week...

One damn week since she left...

I don't know where she is, Mr. Lee hasn't been able to find her, it's as if she was swallowed by the earth.... We tried to contact her brother, but to no avail, there are no records of bank transactions or anything that would help us find her.

When I told the truth to her mother that day, she ran me out of her house and told me that Yeji was an embarrassment to her, she blamed her for taking her away from Hyujin, with tears in her eyes, she warned me not to look for her again and I know that the same pain I am feeling, she was feeling.

Apparently she doesn't know where she is, doesn't know of her whereabouts and hasn't even spoken to her son again. They both disappeared.


"Ryujin, aren't you planning to go to the company? It's been a week since that stupid girl left and you haven't gone to work, you're not going to visit me either, you're just locked up here in your penthouse, looking for answers, answers you won't find because, Hwang Yeji, she went away and left you."

My mother had come here at some point with Yuna. She was worried about me, so she decided to bring my mom, she figured she would talk some sense into me.

"Go away... I don't want to talk to anyone, please" I was sitting on my bed with my hands on my face, there wasn't a single tear left inside me, I felt empty.

"I will leave you for today... But you must understand that girl, she wasn't for you" mom left the room and Yuna came in with food in her hands which she left on the nightstand.

"I love you so much, sis"

She left with mom and I just lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, remembering that last night we were together... That beautiful last night.


"Ryujin, please, I don't like to be with my eyes closed, can I open them now?"

I had prepared a moonlit dinner for her in the nice back garden of the place. Flowers, nature and fresh air, the dark night illuminated under the stars and some torches I lit in the place. All this, I did while she was taking a nap.

"Ok, princess, you can open your eyes now"

Yeji opened her eyes looked at the whole place and looked at me with her beautiful bright little eyes, giving me a tight hug.

We stayed like that, I don't know for how long, but I didn't want to separate from her.

"It's beautiful, Ryujin.... I love you!"

I love you... too

End Flashback.


"Ryujin, are you sure this is what you need?"

Yes, I need to drink...

To be drunk so I don't think about her.

I decided to go to the bar... It's been a while since I've been here and Chaer found me, sitting alone at a table, away from people, half a bottle of whiskey. This is the only thing I need now.

"Yeah, leave me alone" I wasn't completely drunk, but I could already feel some alcohol in my head.

"Ryujin this is not-"


She looked at me for a few seconds and stood up from the chair with her hands up and turned away, going to another side of the place.

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