Chapter 3

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"I-you're not Mr. Dae-hyun o-or don't you?"

She put her nose on my neck and I felt her take a deep breath, then she passed to the other side of my neck and with her fingers she took my hair off... I wanted to move, I really wanted to, but I couldn't, apparently that woman was a witch and had some kind of spell on me.

"Yes... It's me" I slowly felt her footsteps move away and I was able to breathe well again, I turned around and saw her grab a glass and pour wine.

"B-but it said that... That he was a 40-year-old man-"

"It's better that I'm here, Yeji..." She slowly walked towards me again and handed me the glass of wine while still looking at me "clearly I'm not 40 years old, but I do have the money to pay for your virginity"

Hearing that, my heart fluttered again and she looked at me telling me to drink the wine, I didn't know whether to do it or not, maybe if there was something in the drink and tomorrow I was going to wake up in another country.

"Easy, Yeji... I'm not a bad person, I'm just here to enjoy what I'll pay for." She slowly took off her black blazer, leaving herself in a white button down shirt, bent at the elbows settling her muscles, unbuttoning the first two buttons and then drinking from the glass.

I on the other hand couldn't stop watching every movement she made, like when she pulled her hair back or when she swallowed a sip of wine, damn this woman was incredibly ATTRACTIVE. I took a sip of wine and she smiled.

"You are so beautiful..." She left the wine on the table and walked back to me, I felt that at some point I was going to pass out, her gaze penetrated my senses.

She took the glass from my hands and grabbed my hand leading me to a door where I assumed was the room where the inevitable would happen. But before entering I stopped and she turned to look at me.

"W-why did you say you were a man-"

"Shhh... That doesn't matter now, kitty" she came closer to me and rubbed her nose on my cheek with her eyes closed "I won't hurt you"

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt her delicate breath that bristled every hair on my skin. I nodded unknowingly and she stepped away leading me back into the room.

The lights were off, there were some candles just like in the living room and a huge bed, with some beautiful details, the room was much bigger than my damn house. She led me to the bed and I sat there with my hands on my legs looking down at the floor. She got in front of me and put her fingers on my chin lifting my head up to her.

"Nothing will happen that you don't want... The contract can be annulled and-"

I got up quickly "No, no... Please, I-I need... I do want to do it, I'm sorry it's just my first time and I don't know how to do it" she gave me a nice smile.

"Don't worry, I'll help you"

She slowly took off my blazer caressing my shoulders as she went with her soft hands, leaving it lying somewhere in the room without taking her eyes off me... I felt that with that eyes she was trying to read my mind and my mind from another side was completely clouded with that gaze.

The red dress that Lia had lent me, it was sleeveless and had a slider back that reached the beginning of my butt, she approached me almost hugging me and began to leave kisses on my neck and shoulder, at the moment I closed my eyes. when I felt her soft lips touch my skin, I couldn't be more bristling, it was something new for me and I loved it. A moan escaped my throat as she lowered the slider and ran her fingers lightly up and down my back. Fuck.

"Your delicate skin... I love it..."


I put my hands on her shoulders and she brought me closer to her with force, she stared at me and then her gaze went to my lips... As if asking me for permission to kiss me, she slowly approached and I closed my eyes feeling her delicate kisses, I heard her moaning and my lips began to move in sync with hers... Something else I felt... A lump, a big lump touch my crotch. I panicked and in a movement I took her away from me and she just smiled, wtf.

"Ok, Yeji... You already know my secret, But I'm a woman... I'll make you feel much better than if you were with a stupid 40-year-old man"

She approached me again and this time she kissed me with force and passion, I couldn't say anything, I was nervous and petrified, but deep down I had been turned on by the idea that this sexy woman had a huge cock.

At some point in my life I had seen porn and it was not something out of the ordinary that I have masturbated a few times, but I never put my fingers in it, sometimes it was just stimulation on my clit and that made me feel so good, but I was always curious to feel something inside me, brushing my vaginal walls and reaching deep inside me.

She completely removed my dress and took off her shirt, leaving her in a black sports top, I could see her amazing abs and her pale skin. She kissed me again and put her hand on my back slowly laying me down on the bed.

"Wow... What a beautiful body in that lingerie..." She whispered and again began to kiss my neck with delicacy and dedication, making me moan while my eyes were closed.

Little by little she began to kiss my neck and my way to my breasts, lowering the straps of the black lace bra I was wearing.

"God" I whispered as I put my fingers through her hair, I was so turned on but still scared.

She unhooked my bra with ease and took it off slowly admiring my small breasts, she licked her lip and looked into my eyes. Without warning she clung to my nipples like a hungry baby and a cry of pleasure tore from my throat.

"W-what's your name!? Ahhh" I asked her still with my eyes closed and my breath hitched.



Wattpad why do you hate me!? 🥺

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