Chapter 15

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It had been two days since I moved in with Lia in that nice apartment. I felt really comfortable in this place and even though I missed my old home, I wouldn't go back there, I didn't hate my mother, but I didn't want to be near her either.

These days I have noticed that Lia is now much closer to Ryujin's sister, Yuna. The girl came to visit us yesterday, she brought a welcome basket to my apartment, but I know that was just an excuse, there's something about those two.

My life is going smoothly, I've been getting ahead on my college, I'm almost the same as my other classmates.

Hyujin has been coming to see me and stays most of the day at my apartment until I get home from college and we do things together, like watching movies or riding his motorcycle, to spend some quality time before he leaves, the truth is that even though we used to fight all the time, he always took care of me and I'm going to miss that.

My mother, on the other hand, apparently didn't like the idea that I had paid for my brother's re-enrollment in the academy.... She thinks that with "dirty money" things won't work out for my brother, but that same "dirty money" paid off her debt and now she is free from losing the house, isn't it?

And Ryujin hasn't written to me again, since her last message, I always tell myself it's for the best, but what a big lie. Still, I hadn't been able to get Ryujin out of my head.

Lia tried to introduce me to two guys in college, but neither had really caught my attention and it wasn't because they weren't good looking, because they really were, but a certain blonde with dark eyes wouldn't let me look at anyone else with different eyes.

What's so special about you? Why do I feel tied to you? It was just one night ok? What the fuck is going on with you Hwang Yeji? At some point all this will be in the past and will only be a brief memory, just that.

Many people say that the first time is eternal in our memories, but some others think that after that, they could experience better ones, so I can only wait for the right man for me. Right?

But I still wonder what she's doing now.



Trying to forget you...

"Ahh yesss!"

I covered her mouth so she wouldn't make noise since we were in my office.

I had met this girl whose name I don't know through Chaeryeong and in a few hours I was already fucking her hard and wild in my office. I need to unload all my stress.

I wrote Yeji a few days ago and her reply never came, that had me really frustrated, I wanted to know what she was doing, I wanted to have her in my arms again. But I had to respect that she didn't want anything to do with me, even if deep down, I doesn't want to accept it. I'm going to get you out of my head, no woman is going to have my life upside down. It's unacceptable.

I began to take refuge in women and alcohol, I drank a lot more in my office and frequently went to bars trying to get her out of my head.

"Ohhh fuck!"

I pulled my cock out of her cavity and quickly went to the bathroom to clean myself and throw the condom away. I looked in the mirror for a few minutes and splashed water on my face, damn... What am I doing with my life.

Then when I came out of the bathroom I saw her still there, sitting on the couch, as if waiting for something else.

"Do you need money?"

The girl immediately frowned and got up from the couch. "I'm not a prostitute, bitch" she told me and immediately left my office, I just sucked air and sat back down at the desk. I poured myself a glass of whiskey to help me relax my body a bit, from the rough sex session I had had.

"Don't tell me she was one of the whores you usually bring into your office?"

My mom came in, after a few seconds and sat in the chair on the other side of the desk with her legs and arms crossed, looking at me as if she wanted to hang me somewhere in the office.

"Mom, don't start"

I opened my computer and continued doing my work, she got up from the chair and walked towards the window.

"Eunbi told me that-" I fucking knew it.

"I don't need a damn babysitter mom, that's why she comes here for? To inform you of everything I do?"

I closed the computer and turned the chair towards her. She looked at me with an evil grin and lit a cigarette. It was evident that Eunbi wanted to do anything to get my mother in her pocket, she knew she could have an ally and my mother although she no longer has power over me, knows she can handles things at her convenience.

My mom had always been a controlling woman, that's why I had decided to get out of her clutches and I hoped Yuna would do the same soon, but still, she is my mother.

"Eunbi comes, because she wants to be with you and she's the best match for you, do you think those low class whores are on your level? You know how much money her family has, we could merge the two families and-"

I rolled my eyes and the chair, going back to checking my work on the computer.

I knew perfectly well that was what she wanted, to have even more power, when we almost owned Korea, I never understood that need of hers to want to have more, it felt great to have money and power, but she was overdoing it.

"If that's why you came here for, you're wasting your time, I'm not marrying her." My mom walked to the door and turned to me before leaving.

"We'll see"

She left without waiting for any response from me and I just leaned my head back in my chair.

I couldn't marry anyone, I couldn't commit to anyone until I got Yeji out of my head, I thought the best way to let off steam was to have sex, but that turned out to be counterproductive.


"Ryujin, where do you think I should take Lia? It's our first date and I'm a little nervous."

We were both in the living room while she ate and I finished some work on my computer. I looked at her and she just smiled a little shy, wait, what? Yuna has never behaved this way.... This girl sure moves my sister's floor.

"Why don't you take her to the cinema? That's what people do nowadays on dates, isn't it?" I replied and looked back at my computer.

"Ryujin..." She put her hand on my shoulder "you've never taken anyone on a date?" Yuna looked at me in dismay and I just rolled my eyes.

No, Yuna... I had never in my life needed something like this, It was not something I was interested in. I was only with women one night and I didn't see the need to keep seeing them.

In my adolescence, it wasn't much different, I was always going from girl to girl, but I never felt something strong for any of them, something that even I couldn't explain, and that was what was happening to me now with Yeji.

"Ok, I'll take her to the movies then.... I think that's a good idea, thanks Ryujinnie!" Yuna gave me a kiss on the cheek and I looked at her with a disgusted face while she walked away laughing, we're a little old for that.

Chaeryeong had asked me out today, but I decided to stay at home, I needed to organize some company things that I was neglecting because of whatever I was feeling, I need to suppress all that, like I said, no woman has ever turned my life upside down and it won't happen now.


Well in this chapter I mixed two POV. I think it's good. What do you think? I have the other chapter, but I think I'd better wait. Lol

I'm sorry for no Ryeji's interaction in these chapters but just wait a little bit. It will be better soon. 😏

Sorry for any mistakes. 💕

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