Chapter 31

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I arrived at my mother's house, my old home, where I had spent good times but now I couldn't remember even one, because the image of Yeji did not leave my head, I was desperate, I did not know what to do, my mother should tell me exactly what happened.

I entered the house quickly and some people from the service greeted me, but I really didn't hear anything, I didn't see anyone, my eyes were full of tears and I just needed answers, this couldn't be real.

"Mom, what the fuck happened? What did you do?" I shouted entering her room, where I saw her standing smoking a cigarette while looking through the big window.

She turned her face towards me and took a deep breath.

"Ryujin... I warned you, I just wanted to test her, I wanted to know if she was really worth it, if she wasn't with you just for your money and look what she did."

"No, that doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense.... I have much more money, I-"

"I warned her that if she was still with you, I was going to take all the money and power you had, so when she saw that, she preferred to take the money and leave.... Don't you see? The bitch was just an opportunist, she was after your money and the power you have ry-"

I took two steps back and put my back against the wall... Slowly my body was feeling weak, I couldn't bear the strong pain I felt in my chest, this is not real... Yeji couldn't do this... My mom came closer to me trying to hug me but I stopped her and pulled away.

"Daughter, you can't blame me for what I did, I'm your mother and I only want the best for you, I wanted to show you t- what happened to your hand Ry-"

"That's enough, mom..."

I turned around and walked out of her room, I heard her calling me, but I just kept walking until I saw myself back inside the car, not thinking about anything, with my hands on the steering wheel but still not starting the car, I didn't know what to do or where to go.... I need to find her.


I arrived at my apartment and saw Lia lying on Yuna's legs, apparently she fell asleep there.

Yuna tried to get up and I just walked to my room. I needed to think, to be alone, to think what I should do....

"Ryujin..." Lia and Yuna entered my room and Yuna sat next to me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Well? Did you find Yeji? Do you know what the fuck happened?" Lia asked me. While I just looked at the floor thinking about what I should do.

"Sis, what happened-"

"Mom went to offer Yeji money and she accepted the money and left."

"What?" they both said in unison and I just took a deep breath, I still don't think it's true. No.

"Bullshit! I've known Yeji all my life, she's no a greed woman, Ryujin, what's wrong with your mom is crazy-"

"Shut up... Don't you dare..."

As much as I hated to accept it, she is my mom and I knew her perfectly well, we've always had problems, but she would never do something that would hurt me, she just....

"Do you really believe her?" Lia asked me crossing her arms.

"Lia, please..." Yuna said to her getting up, she approached her but Lia pulled away.

"Don't you dare to say anything to me.... Leave me alone!" Lia quickly left my room, slamming the door and Yuna just stood there, watching her leave.

"Ryu... Do you think-"

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