Chapter 6

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I half opened my eyes feeling the sun rays coming through my window, remembering those eyes and the incredible night I spent with her, I touched the bed next to me and to my surprise it was empty. I slowly got up sitting on the bed, confused. Maybe she's in the bathroom. I walked towards the bathroom and to my surprise she was nowhere to be found. I was a little disappointed not to see her here, normally this is better, that they leave when I wake up, but with her, I don't know why I felt different.

I grabbed my phone and tried to call her but was turned off. Seriously this girl left without her money? I was confused, the main thing of the deal was to have her money or not?

I left my phone and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, it was Monday and I had to go to the company, surely I have a lot of work.

When I got out of the bathroom I dressed in a black suit, I always like to dress that way. I grabbed my car keys and went out, I thought about having breakfast when I got to the company, I quickly dialed my best friend's number.

"Chaer... I need you to order me a coffee and something for breakfast."

"I'm your secretary or wh-"

I cut the call short without waiting for her answer and quickly got in the car. I tried calling the girl a few more times, but it was still off.

I got out of the car giving the keys to the guy who parked it. When I got in, all the people bowed their heads towards me, but I never really greeted anyone, I never even looked at them, I just followed my way to the elevator.

Many people think I am overbearing, authoritarian and yes, they are damn right. I never build trust with any of my employees except for Chaeryeong who had been my best friend since high school. I don't have many friends and I don't have a girlfriend either, I don't like those kind of relationships, I was only with a woman one night and then forgot her, but what I couldn't believe was that...

"I can't get her damn feline eyes out of my head, Chaer"

Chaeryeong was just sitting there on the other side of my desk with her feet up on the table, laughing at me, almost mocking me.

"You know what the best thing is? That I've never in my fucking 24 years seen you mention a woman's eyes hahaha."

The really idiotic girl continued to laugh at me as I glared at her and ate my breakfast.

"Can you get your filthy feet off the table??" My tone of voice was already low enough and she knew she was annoying me.

"Ok, ok jeez" she put her feet down and pulled the chair closer to the desk "can you go back to telling me why the fuck you made yourself a sick fucking 40 year old man? you're 25."

Actually, I had been on that page for about a two months, one day while I was doing my job the ad came up all over my screen calling my attention, at first I entered out of curiosity and I just stayed for fun, I had never made a purchase, sometimes I entered to see the girls' profiles, but none of them caught my attention as much as Yeji...

"Well, you must be a damn man to go in as a buyer and the 40-year-old thing was something I came up with later" I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone, seeing a message that her phone was already on.

"Ok, Mr. Dae-hyun, today we have an appointment with the investors for the next collection, after lunch" she winked at me and I just turned my chair and waved her away.

I got up from my chair with my hand in a pocket and called the cat-eyed girl, while looking at the busy streetscape of Korea through the huge window of my office, the CEO's office.


Ryujin's personality sure is very annoying, but I love it haha

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