Chapter 30

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What? No...

"Lia, w-what are you talking about?"

I quickly entered the apartment and immediately went to her room, checking her closet, her clothes were still there.... Yeji hasn't left... No.

"She left" Lia came behind me and threw me a paper she was holding "she left it this on my bed, damn it, Ryujin, she didn't tell me where she was going, she just left" I looked at the paper. No.

My lovely Lia, thank you for being the best friend anyone could wish for, I hope someday you can forgive me.


Lia was still crying inconsolably and in my mind there was nothing, I went blank for a few minutes, I didn't know what to do, where to go, Yeji couldn't have left, right?

I took my phone out of my bag and started calling her, the number was disconnected.... What?

"If you're trying to call her it's useless..... What the fuck happened, Ryujin, why? Why did she f-"

"I DON'T KNOW, LIA!" I shouted and she just took a deep breath. I felt that lump getting more and more painful in my throat, anxiety, the damn walls were closing in, I needed to get out of here, I needed answers.

You couldn't have left me like that, Yeji.... Not you.

I left the apartment and immediately, I got in the car and took a deep breath trying to calm my body and mind. On the road I was not in my right mind, I don't even know how I didn't crash into the car, my hands were shaking.

I drove as fast as I could, to the bank, there they had to tell me if the papers were real, if Yeji really went and took out all the money, this seems like a nightmare.

"Good afternoon, Miss Shi-"

"I need to know about the transactions of an account in the name of Hwang Yeji..."

The secretary in charge immediately took me to the office and amidst my impatience, she quickly looked up the information.

"Indeed Miss Hwang Yeji was here, a few hours ago, she took all the money out of her account, closed it and also cashed a check, made out to Mrs. Shin Jiyu, your mother, Miss."

It was real...

So it was real, Yeji left with the money my mom gave her, but.... It doesn't make sense, no, there must be something else.

Everything we went through this time didn't mean anything to her? As I looked at the computer I realized that the amount of money my mom gave her in the check was too much... God, Yeji, if you wanted money I would have given you all of it, all!

I left that place with tears in my eyes, confused and full of rage, nothing made sense, I couldn't believe any of this. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her beautiful eyes, her smile, the small mole on her nose.

I got into my car, hitting the steering wheel with my hand, with all the strength I had at that moment, taking out all the rage I had inside me, until I felt I couldn't take it anymore, I looked at my hand and it was full of blood, tears started to come out of my eyes. I wiped them away and started the car.

"I fucking love you..."

Her words ran through my mind, over and over again.... Her eyes, they showed tranquility and love, tenderness.

The times we made love, our connection, it was much more than just sex, I was sure of that, now not anymore.



"Lia, babe... are you sure she's gone? All her clothes are here and-"

"She's gone Yuna, she's gone and left me here alone, why did she do that? I don't understand."

"Babe, you're not alone... You have me"

Yuna hugged me, while I cried disconsolately in her legs because I had lost my friend, I didn't know where she was, she didn't leave me a clue, she didn't tell me why. What happened Yeji... I'm your best friend, right? And w-


I immediately got up from the couch and Yuna went after me, I looked for my phone and quickly dialed Hyujin's number. To no avail, Hyujin didn't answer his phone either, in fact, it immediately sent me to voicemail. But what the...

"What are you doing, babe?" Yuna asked me worriedly.

I grabbed my purse and my keys "let's go to Mrs. Hwang's house".


Yuna offered to drive as I was very nervous and tense about what had happened, there was no way Yeji and Hyujin were missing, I needed to talk to her mom, with good luck, Yeji might be there.

When I arrived, I took a deep breath and approached the door with Yuna, and after a few seconds she knocked on the door.

I never really liked Mrs. Hwang. The way she treated Yeji, blaming her for something she was not guilty of. Deep down I always wanted to believe that she loved her, hopefully someday she will be able to forgive what she did.

I thought about what to tell her because I knew she didn't like me either, she just tolerated me.

"Mrs. Hwang" she just nodded with her arms crossed looking me straight in the eyes.


I cleared my throat "you know where Yeji is? She hasn't-"


That was the only thing she answered me and closed the door in my face without waiting for my answer, Yuna tried to knock again, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me to the car. God... Where did you go Yeji, where did you go?

"Let's go home, you look really bad, Lia.... You need to-"

"Take me to Ryujin's house, I need to talk to her."


We arrived at Ryujin's penthouse, but she wasn't there, Yuna was trying to contact her but she didn't answer and I know she was also worried about her sister.

"Where are you, Ryujin" Yuna whispered looking at her phone and trying to call her again.

"I don't understand... Everything was so good between them and suddenly, Yeji disappeared. It's like she was swallowed by the earth. No..."

Yuna walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder "She'll show up, babe.... You're going to see that it's all just a misunderstanding.... Ok?"

I nodded and put my head on her shoulder as Yuna ran her hand down my arm lovingly.

Yeji, what happened? Where are you, you can't leave me alone, remember? You're my best friend...


"Hello... I'm new here my name is Lia and you are?"

A pretty brown-haired girl with a bang and glasses that were apparently faith magnifying, was sitting at a somewhat secluded desk in the classroom.

"Ehm... I'm Hwang Yeji..." She gave me a shy smile and at that moment I sat down next to her.

"I'll be your new friend" I smiled at her.

"And the only..." She chuckled and I shook her hand.

From that day on, Yeji was always my only friend, my confidant, the only one I really had.

Friendships, like love, are not forever or so they say, but I'm sure that this friendship will be forever Yeji... Wherever you are... You always will be my best friend.


I'm sorry! 😭

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